一个人做不做规划,是意识问题;而能不能做好规划,是方法问题。如何发现并协调先天和后天、固定和可变、内在和外在的各种条件和力量,找到人生的最佳设计方案,是当代年轻人成就自我的一门必修课。本书旨在帮助那些尚无明确的人生方向,或者在人生的旅途上走入岔道的年轻人,帮助他们认清社会,了解职场、生活和人生规则,告诉他们如何在职场中如鱼得水,如何在年轻的时候积累资源,如何全方位改变现状,如何做最好的自己,从而获得成功的事业。Why I Fly Fish
Chris Santella, bestselling author of the Fifty Places series, is back in action with the inspirational gift book Why I Fly Fish. Based on 25 interviews with fly-fishing professionals and celebrity hobbyists alike, Why I Fly Fish encapsulates the life lessons fly-fishing aficionados have learned from their favorite pursuit. Featured contributors include Donald Trump Jr., Bill Ford (CEO of Ford Motor Company), Conway Bowman (host of several flyfishing TV programs), actor Henry Winkler, Lefty Kreh (the world's best-known fly-fisherman) and many more. With personal photographs by the contributors themselves, Why I Fly Fish is an inspirational and intimate reflection on the beloved sport and pastime.