Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral, written for the Canterbury Festival on 1935, was the first high point on T. S. Eliot's dramatic achievement. It remains one of the great plays of the century. Like Greek drama, its theme and form are rooted in religion and ritual purgation and renewal, and it was this return to the earliest sources of drama that brought poetry triumphantly back to the English stage.三坊七巷与台湾文化研讨会论文集
《开风气之先 谋天下永福:“三坊七巷与台湾”文化研讨会论文集》主要内容包括:三坊七巷人士与台湾的教育、试论三坊七巷学人与台湾书院的发展、三坊七巷与近代福州历史文化变迁、两岸交流视域下的三坊七巷名人文化等。