携手前行,是走向婚姻殿堂里的我们最初的选择。相爱着的两个人,怀攥着共同的梦想,相依相伴地一路追寻。不知从什么时候起,相连着的两颗心开始产生了隔膜,紧握在一起的手在不知不觉中也已经松开了,生活的目标也不再一致。在物欲、情欲和权欲的引诱下,我们淡忘了心中最初的选择和对彼此的承诺,去追寻自己想要的生活。在我们决定放弃最初和追寻未来时,我们都认为我们做出的决定是最正确的。当我们被自己的追寻折腾得疲惫不堪再回首的时候,才发现,我们一路追寻的,其实就是我们一路在放弃的。The Changeling
Oe introduces Kogito Choko, a writer in his early sixties, as he rekindles a childhood friendship with his estranged brother-in-law, the renowned filmmaker Goro Hanawa. Goro sends Kogito a trunk of tapes he has recorded of reflections about their friendship, but as Kogito is listening one night, he hears something odd. "I'm going to head over to the Other Side now," Goro says, and then Kogito hears a loud thud. After a moment of silence, Goro's voice continues: "But don't worry, I'm not going to stop communicating with you." Moments later, Kogito's wife rushes in; Goro has jumped to his death. With that, Kogito begins a far-ranging search to understand what drove his brother-in-law to suicide. His quest takes him from the forests of southern Japan to the washed-out streets of Berlin, where Kogito confronts the ghosts from his own past and that of his lifelong, but departed, friend.