少年黎煊跳悬崖自己尽,被雷劈中,穿越到了柯南的世界,化身工藤夜白,因一次意外被黑衣组织抓走成为了组织的王牌,遇见了小哀,发生了一段恋情。后来工藤夜白逃离组织,偶然失忆,开始帮柯南破案。工藤夜白:小哀为了你我必须消灭黑衣组织。小哀:夜白这一战,你若败,我陪你东山在起。你若胜,我陪你君临天下。工藤夜白:小哀这一战如果我活了下来你……你就嫁个我好么?嗯Strangers May Marry
Laura had raised Mandy as her own ever since she found her homeless on the street. She loves the child as a daughter. But the authorities are threatening to take the child into custody, and Laura has no legal claim to keep her--and very few choices.Until she meets handsome, domineering Paul Penalis. He can help Laura keep custody of Mandy--but his help comes at a price. Can Laura pay it--and will she wind up losing her heart in the bargain?