They Hanged My Saintly Billy
A self-confessed forger, cheat, thief, and petty criminal, William Palmer was also a surgeon and a racehorse owner during the Victorian era who doped horses, fixed races, philandered unapologetically, and generally behaved as an all-around rogue. But the crime for which he was condemned was altogether more serious: poisoning numerous members of his family as well as a close friend. Based on the historic trial of a man characterized as a sociopath and a serial killer, Robert Graves tells the story from the defendant's point of view, the story of a man who was deeply flawed but ultimately not beyond redemption.Based on a historical trial held in 1856, Robert Graves' novel is brimming with humor, emotion, and social commentary. Told through the eyes of both friends and enemies, Palmer comes to life as a not-unsympathetic antihero.杰出男孩的好口才是练出来的
良好的口才是男孩将来建功立业的基础,为他成就事业奠定良机。如果一个连最基本的口语表达能力都欠缺的男孩要想在竞争残酷的社会中拥有一席之地,那将是十分艰难的。当今社会不仅仅需要的是知识型人才,更需要的是全面性人才。他不仅要涉猎很多知识,懂得人生道理,他更应有流利雄辩的口才,可以舌战群儒,侃侃而谈。只有敢于在大庭广众下发表自己意见的男孩,他才会在社会中赢得一次次难得的机遇,把握难得的机会,为自己的人生事业铺垫道路,为自己的人生辉煌创造奇迹。本书将教男孩们如果练出好口才!狂狮部落3: 绝境重生
伊恩和他的弟弟妹妹们没能顺利通过长辈们精心策划的一场考验,受到了长辈们的批评。自尊心受挫 的他们为了证明自己是卡布幕特草原上未来的王者,勇敢地接受了长辈布置的任务:前往遥远的百回谷。到波涛汹涌的落叶河底寻找美丽的七彩宝石。暗藏的杀机,恐怖的臣兽,阴暗角落里的捕食者,神秘美丽的百回谷危机重重!藏有七彩石的落叶河在哪里?紧紧跟随的鬼魅身影会是谁?伊恩他们终于发现了落叶河的踪迹,可谁知更大的危险还在等着他们……