《国民阅读文库·青少年心灵成长直通车》系列从成长中可能遇到的问题出发,内容涵盖了勤奋、坚强、自信、乐观等诸多与孩子健康成长密切相关的方面,人选的故事通俗易懂,道理清晰明了,版式活泼多样,容易激发孩子强烈的阅读兴趣,能够起到极好的教育和熏陶作用,对于提高孩子的文化养、拓展孩子的知识面大有帮助。好习惯成就好未来,孩子从小养成良好的习惯,成就大事业将不再是遥不可及的梦想。生命需要鼓舞,心灵需要滋润。《国民阅读文库·青少年心灵成长直通车》图书的故事极具启蒙意义,可以启迪孩子的心灵,开发孩子的潜能,塑造孩子健康的人格,为孩子健康茁壮成长创造必要的条件。愿孩子们拥有一次快乐的阅读之旅。本书由韩震担任主编。The Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone's favorite pranksters are at it again! School's out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids' boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes' sharp minds any match for these hooligans' hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another "fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel" (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they're funny.情商改变你的一生:培养中学生最好的情商
本书运用了大量生动的事例和故事进行阐述,是全面了解情商不可多得的一本好书。 希望你能从一个又一个故事中感受到情商的重要性,更希望你能够从中学习到如何提升你的情商值。