结婚两年,她与他形同陌路。有一天,他将离婚协议书扔至她跟前:“签了它,你可以得到一笔赡养费!”“为什么?”看着那纸协议,她的心,一片荒凉。“你没有了利用价值。不妨告诉你一件事,秦氏别墅已转至别人名下。当初你有这点价值我才强忍着呕吐娶了你。”男人薄唇吐出无情字眼,以贯有的高傲姿态俯视她,“如果没了秦氏别墅你活不下去,你可以选择去死!”男人眸中的邪恶冰冷,清晰地映在她的双瞳。原来,这就是她准备死守一生的男人。接过离婚协议书,她露出结婚两年来的第一个笑容:“萧朗,有一天你会后悔!”当晚,她提着自己的小小旅行箱悄无声息地离开了萧家别墅。他既不仁,她当不义。次日清晨,各大报纸的娱乐头条出现一组照片:男人是西城声名最差的公子燕情,女人却是西城第一财团风行部落总裁萧朗未曾曝光于人前的丑妻--秦姒。--爱过吗?她问自己。许是爱过的,心里有个小小的声音在回答。她的爱,刻在那个家不能见光的角落。可是,等得累了,守得倦了,她终于决定,放手了。------多年后再相遇,她名花有主。她在另一个男人眼前绽放自己的美丽。而他,泪如雨下……Christmas Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 8
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)CHRISTMAS FOREVER is book #8—and the finale—in the #1 bestselling romance series THE INN AT SUNSET HARBOR, which begins with For Now and Forever (book #1)—a free download!Winter is coming in Sunset Harbor, and Emily Mitchell is nearing her third trimester. While they continue to develop their new private island, a new opportunity arises—one Emily had never anticipated, and which could change everything.