Second Tomorrow
When Clare's fiancé dies, she's devastated, and she vows to keep his memory alive. But then, on the warm, sunny beaches of the Caribbean, she meets handsome and arrogant Luke Mortimer--a man determined to win her heart. Luke pursues Clare relentlessly, but she's torn between holding on to the memory of the man she once loved and allowing herself to fall again. Will she stay faithful to a long-dead lover, or give in to the man who pursues her?傻子与死神
陆飞、欧阳子、李小奇……好动、好话话、好做小动作的男生们,大丽 、李小白……可爱、活泼、聪明的小女生们,他们生活学习在一起,会发生哪些好玩的事情呢?读者朋友们快来看看这本《别有用心的同桌计划》,书里收录了《别有用心的“同桌计划”》、《王钟忘成了大狮子》、《当“托”招揽顾客》等好玩的故事。