“不好意思”是谦虚还是自卑?是脸皮薄还是胆子小?都不是。“不好意思”是你人生道路上的绊脚石。不好意思争取个人权益,不好意思拒绝无理要求,不好意思赞美别人,不好意思开口说句“对不起”……不好意思,会让你在生活中,在职场里,在情感上,失意、失利、倍受打击,这样的人生,想必你也不好意思继续下去吧?本书通过丰富的实际案例,阐述了一系列进行自我改善和提升的实用建议与方法,将彻底治愈你“不好意思”的心理顽疾,让你成为一个敢想、敢说、敢做的人,一个信心满满、充满阳光的人,一个与众不同的人。Done Dirt Cheap
Tourmaline Harris's life hit pause at fifteen, when her mom went to prison because of Tourmaline's unintentionally damning testimony. But at eighteen, her home life is stable, and she has a strong relationship with her father, the president of a local biker club known as the Wardens. Virginia Campbell's life hit fast-forward at fifteen, when her mom "sold" her into the services of Hazard, a powerful attorney: a man for whom the law is merely a suggestion. When Hazard sets his sights on dismantling the Wardens, he sends in Virginia, who has every intention of selling out the club—and Tourmaline. But the two girls are stronger than the circumstances that brought them together, and their resilience defines the friendship at the heart of this powerful debut novel.彪悍宠妃:残王快到碗里来