一场意外,将两个人的命运紧紧地系在一起。可惜男有婚约女已嫁。为了不破坏别人的婚姻,选择和渣男离婚的她试图离开他,却被他紧紧禁锢在身边。他紧紧搂她在身畔:“嫁,还是不嫁?”她挣扎抗拒:“我已经有老公了。”“不,是前夫。”末了扬嘴一笑又道:“人都是我的了,还矜持什么?”The Chronicles of Faerie
The third book in this critically acclaimed trilogy, which Booklist described as "shimmering with magic, myth, and romance" Dana has few memories of her mother, who disappeared when she was small. But she has always dreamed, despite her father's discouragement, that her mother would come back one day. When her dad decides to leave Ireland and take a job across the ocean in Canada, Dana is heartbroken. How can she leave her home and the only chance of seeing her mother again? She runs away, high into the fairy mountains of Ireland. Following ancient paths, with a mysterious wolf companion at her side, Dana encounters a world of tragic enchantment and fairy romance, and discovers a great secret about herself. With lush descriptions and rich Celtic lore, plus cameo appearances by characters from the previous books, this latest chronicle will satisfy fans of the series and entice new readers.昆虫记:昆虫与蘑菇(第10卷)