重生了。想回去? 先给我制霸好莱坞!北京女孩陈贞在美国女孩珍妮·杰弗森身上得到重生,命运的安排是如此的神奇,也注定要她走上一条无比艰难却又传奇辉煌的道路——不仅仅是成为像玛丽莲·梦露、奥黛丽·赫本、安吉丽娜·朱莉那样的传奇影后,而是成为好莱坞历史上最璀璨的传奇,从而制霸好莱坞!这是一部口碑爆棚的现象级美娱小说,不仅有令人热血沸腾的好莱坞影后成长史,还有她与三位颜值爆表的A-list男明星、知名导演、顶级经纪人的势均力敌的爱情博弈,以及一系列画面感十足的戏中戏,带你重温耳熟能详的好莱坞大片,并且还有关于好莱坞内幕的满满干货。可以说,这部小说一举奠定了娱乐圈文的新格局。许你良辰,与我来生
亲们,千千的实体书《许你良辰,与我来生》(原网络名:《也许曾经相爱过》)现已出版上市,恳请大家支持网络书的同时也大力支持实体书!当当网、卓越网、淘宝网及各地实体书店均有销售,谢谢大家了~~另外,喜欢千千文的亲也可以围观俺的围脖儿:【陌千千V5】http://m.wkkk.net/u/2136611381四年前,她在车祸中失去记忆,却在午夜梦回时闪出另一个人的临死片段四年后,她偶遇良氏总裁,被他身边的小孩唤作“妈妈”,从此陷入爱恨纠缠的漩涡她强硬不服软,他藏于暗处帮她她有车祸后遗症,他助她走出阴影她处于风口浪尖,他步步为营,逼她置身事外她知道了自己的身世他......也许世间总是存在着一种感情大家都知道,大家都认同,大家都惋惜可是,我们始终无法在一起总有无法愈合的伤口,总有无法占有的感情,也总有无法忘掉的事情良辰,我们不要哭泣听说爱情是命运,就算喝了孟婆汤,下一世,还能找到你。A Trace of Murder (A Keri Locke Mystery--Book #2)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.In A TRACE OF MURDER (Book #2 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter. Encouraged by the new lead that has landed, the first in years, she pursues it with all that she has, determined to find her daughter and bring her back alive.Yet Keri, at the same time, receives a phone call from a frantic husband, a famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who reports that his wife has been missing for two days. A wealthy socialite with no enemies and little reason to leave her life, he fears the worst has become of his wife.爱(吸血鬼日志系列#2)
A book to rival TWILIGHT and VAMPIRE DIARIES, and one that will have you wanting to keep reading until the very last page! If you are into adventure, love and vampires this book is the one for you! --wkkk.net (Turned)LOVED is Book #2 in the #1 Bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, which begins with Book #1, TURNED! In LOVED (Book #2 in the Vampire Journals), Caitlin and Caleb embark together on their quest to find the one object that can stop the imminent vampire and human wa.