夜色早已浓稠,一支四十来骑的队伍,沿着河流方向,悄然行进在菲留扎谷地。这条凉幽幽的山谷——蜿蜒于波斯与土库曼人肆意驰骋的广阔平原间,四面为科佩特山脉环绕,山峦起伏,依稀连绵,森严地守卫在峡谷两侧。这条千年沧桑的伊朗古道,无尽的岁月中,见证了多少人世间的悲欢离合,在这里,人们的心灵,有过欢腾和喜悦,有过悲伤和流泪,也有过死亡和别离。长夜漫漫,已深入越发漆黑的后半夜,一线绵长的马队旁,有十四个身影,拖着步子蹒跚而行,一根绳索将他们前后相连。内中,有九名年轻女子和一个年纪尚小的女孩。那女孩倒没用绳子拴着,疲惫不堪地落在队伍后面。The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Upon its hardcover publication, renowned author Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ provoked heated debates and stirred a frenzy of controversy throughout the clerical and literary worlds alike with its bold retelling of the life of Jesus wkkk.net this remarkable piece of fiction, famously atheistic author Philip Pullman challenges the events of the Gospels and puts forward his own compelling and plausible version of the life of Jesus. Written with unstinting authority, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ is a pithy, erudite, subtle, and powerful book by a beloved author, a text to be read and reread, studied and unpacked, much like the Good Book itself.