《旋砚:北师大二附中文科实验班作文精选》是一本别开生面的文集,编者和作者都是北京师范大学二附中文科实验班的学生,他们的年龄大约在16-17岁,将要面临人生的又一个重要的结点;他们也是我们十分期盼的各种事业的后继者。这本文集里收入的应当是年轻的作者们的作文,也许在作文里会有一些虚应故事的话,但每篇文章里都含有他们的真诚,看得出,他们是把自己的真情实感写在这份“答卷”里。Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)
ONCE CRAVED is book #3 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with ONCE GONE (Book #1)!When prostitutes turn up dead in Phoenix, not much attention is paid. But when a pattern of disturbing murders is discovered, the local police soon realize a serial killer is on a rampage and they are in way over their heads. Given the unique nature of the crimes, the FBI, called in, knows they will need their most brilliant mind to crack the case: Special Agent Riley Paige.Riley, recovering from her last case and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, is at first reluctant. But when she learns of the grievous nature of the crimes and realizes the killer will soon strike again, she is compelled. She begins her hunt for the elusive killer and her obsessive nature takes her too far—perhaps too far, this time, to pull herself back from the brink.