本书通过凝缩的文字,收录了100位影响力巨大、创造性强、发人深思的世界各领域的大师精英。既向读者展现了100位名人的成长记录,又向人们揭示了一个简单而深刻的真理:天才和名人都不是天生的,正是他们通过自己的努力和奋斗,用自己的热情和艰苦卓绝的斗争通向了事业的顶端和荣誉的高峰。在这里,你可以看见在穷苦中潦倒而不懈奋斗的梵·高、在压迫中带领俄国人民奋起抗击的列宁、还有从来没有上过大学却成为一代文学巨匠的高尔基,还有巴尔扎克、诺贝尔、松下幸之助、全身瘫痪依旧奋斗的霍金……Dog Beach Unleashed (The Seagate Summers #2)
Remy can't wait for another summer on Seagate Island. It's time to bring back her successful dog-sitting business on Dog Beach and see her favorite friends. But instead of sunny days and fun in the sand, the summer is off to a rainy start. Remy and the dogs have cabin fever, and, to make matters worse, her friendship with her longtime pal, Bennett, is starting to feel complicated. What can one twelve-year-old do to create summer magic when the summer doesn't seem to be showing up?南非大冒险(环游世界大探险)