【全文免费,更新不定时。】一朝穿越,从此坐拥美男,闻名天下再也不是梦。忠犬王爷,谪仙国师,魅惑狐妖。围绕着三人间的争斗,千年恩怨浮出水面。事情的最后,结果究竟怎样?爱恨情仇,究竟谁是谁非?新人新文,欢迎入坑,不喜勿喷,感谢支持。Only the Worthy (The Way of Steel—Book 1)
From Morgan Rice, #1 Bestselling author of THE SORCERER'S RING, comes a riveting new fantasy series.ONLY THE WORTHY (The Way of Steel—Book 1) tells the epic coming of age story of Royce, 17, a peasant farmer who senses, with his special fighting skills, that he is different from all the other boys in his village. There resides within him a power he does not understand, and a hidden destiny he is afraid to face.