The Circus Boys On The Mississippi
本书是新华社关于十九大的新闻报道精选集,是一本客观、全面、权威的新闻报道集,所有文章均已公开发表,作者全部为新华社记者。全书共分为六篇,分别是“第一篇不忘初心牢记使命”“第二篇高举旗帜共铸辉煌”“第三篇凝聚力量共绘蓝图”“第四篇团结务实谱写新曲” “第五篇砥砺奋进成就辉煌”“第六篇盛世盛会全球聚焦”。全书体例完备,观点准确,内容权威,可以作为广大干部群众了解十九大的参考读物。Eleven
The legendary writer Patricia Highsmith is best remembered today for her chilling psychological thrillers The Talented Mr. Ripley and Strangers on a Train. A critically acclaimed best seller in Europe, Highsmith has for too long been underappreciated in the United States. Starting in 2011, Grove Press will begin to reissue nine of Highsmith's works. Eleven is Highsmith's first collection of short stories, an arresting group of dark masterpieces of obsession and foreboding, violence and instability. Here naturalists meet gruesome ends and unhinged heroes disturb our sympathies. This is a captivating, important collection from one of the truly brilliant short-story writers of the twentieth century (Otto Penzler).