中国民间有句俗语,叫:“三岁看大,七岁看老”。这从侧面反映出了小时候的性格养成会影响到一个人的一生。中国民间有句俗语,叫:“三岁看大,七岁看老”。这从侧面反映出了小时候的性格养成会影响到一个人的一生。如果说人生是一次壮丽的海上航程,那么小学时代则是这段船程的起锚阶段,面对着不可捉摸而又神秘的未来,他们充满了既兴奋又紧张的心情。我们每个人都要经历这人生的起锚阶段,无论前面是布满暗礁的危险之地,还是风平浪静的辽阔海面,人生的第一步是我们踏上未来航程的最重要阶段,只有平安地度过这一时期,才能进入浩瀚的大洋去远航。Sweet Second Love
Two years ago, when Linda Kendall's husband and children died in a tragic car accident, she wished she had died too--and believed that her life was over. When she accepts the position of nanny to the Conde Duarte de Dominga's three young charges, she believes she will never again feel passion for another man.But the Conde teaches her differently. Charming and handsome, his presence fills Linda with a desire she'd believed herself incapable of--and reminds her of the joys of being alive. And when he proposes marriage, Linda is tempted to accept. But can she allow herself to love again--and open up her heart once more to loss?The Steep and Thorny Way
A thrilling reimagining of Shakespeare's Hamlet, The Steep and Thorny Way tells the story of a murder most foul and the mighty power of love and acceptance in a state gone terribly rotten. ?1920s Oregon is not a welcoming place for Hanalee Denney, the daughter of a white woman and an African-American man. She has almost no rights by law, and the Ku Klux Klan breeds fear and hatred in even Hanalee's oldest friendships. Plus, her father, Hank Denney, died a year ago, hit by a drunk-driving teenager. Now her father's killer is out of jail and back in town, and he claims that Hanalee's father wasn't killed by the accident at all but, instead, was poisoned by the doctor who looked after him—who happens to be Hanalee's new stepfather. ?The only way for Hanalee to get the answers she needs is to ask Hank himself, a "haint" wandering the roads at night.