从距今170万年前中国境内已知最早的“元谋人”,到开始于公元前2070年的夏朝:从公元前221年秦始皇赢政结束了诸侯纷争的战国时期,建立了中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的中央集权制封建国家一一秦,到威名远播的大汉,三分天下的三国,风度翩翩的魏晋,名扬天下的唐宋,软弱无能的清末,再到新中国的建立。 纵观中华五千年,那些人类历史上波澜壮阔的社会变革、那些影响历史演进方向的英雄人物,共同勾勒出了历史长河波折而又蜿蜒向前的轨迹。在美漫当炸鸡厨师的日常
"A wily thriller-fantasy … Each discovery sounds like the voice of a storyteller reminding us of how the gods play with our fates."New York TimesWinner of the Finlandia Award, Troll: A Love Story is an enchanting novel that has become an international sensation. Angel, a young photographer, comes home from a night of carousing to find a group of drunken teenagers in the courtyard of his apartment building, taunting a wounded, helpless young troll. He takes it in, not suspecting the dramatic consequences of this decision. What does one do with a troll in the city? As the troll's presence influences Angel's life in ways he could never have predicted, it becomes clear that the creature is the familiar of man's most forbidden feelings. A novel of sparkling originality, Troll is a wry, beguiling story of nature and man's relationship to wild things, and of the dark power of the wildness in ourselves.