王晋康科幻小说精选集(套装8册)包含:《终极爆炸》《替天行道》《养蜂人》《生死平衡》《海豚人》《上帝之手》《拉格朗日墓场》《生命之歌》。作者介绍:王晋康:中国科幻泰山北斗,中国科幻银河奖首位终生荣誉奖作家,首位获得世界级科幻大奖的中国作家。上世纪90年代初,在中国科幻正陷入低谷时,王晋康异军突起,以自己的作品为火种,点燃了科幻文学的希望,开启了中国科幻文学的“王晋康时代”。因为在科幻领域的巨大影响力,在长达十几年的时间里,王晋康被公认为“中国科幻第一人”。他的作品风格鲜明,以哲理性思考为特色,具有开拓性的科幻内核和对生命本质的思索。代表作品包括《追杀K星人》《西奈噩梦》《七重外壳》《水星播种》等。Responsible Drinking for Women
Many women drink responsibly--but some have a more troubled relationship with alcohol. Studies regarding the effects of alcohol on women's health are contradictory--and it's not easy for concerned women to get a clear picture of the perils and positives of drinking.Alcohol affects women differently than men, and sometimes more severely. This ebook, written by Harvard professor and researcher Dr. Debi A. LaPlante, combines in-depth guidance and information from the latest studies about the effects of alcohol on women's physiology with compassionate, detailed advice on exploring your own relationship with alcohol and how to quit or scale back drinking. This book is essential reading for any woman who wonders whether her drinking might be a problem.