【女扮男装苏爽文】一场意外,她替代了一个特殊的身体,那帅气到完美的脸,她变成了“他”。从踏进娱乐圈起,就有各路小人不断眼红来挡路!某导演扬言封杀?那我就用自己拍的电影打肿你的脸!写书遭人联合抵制?另辟蹊径卖火全世界!管你什么大人物,遇神杀神,毫不犹豫,统统打回去!当“他”一步步粉丝口中的网文至高、女装大佬、国民男神时,却不禁发觉,身旁那某男盯着自己灼热的目光!勾唇一笑酷拽道。“不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说。”某男嘴角腹黑一抿,笑而不语。直到一天,“男神”变成女神,某男果断出手掐断所有烂桃花,拽着自己直奔民政局时,苏云舒这才发觉,当时那灼热目光是她早就被某男看穿了!(男主夏锦舒,重生+系统+娱乐圈)Situation Room (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #3)
SITUATION ROOM is book #3 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 60 five star reviews!A cyberattack on an obscure U.S. dam leaves thousands dead and the government wondering who attacked it, and why. When they realize it is just the tip of the iceberg—and that the safety of all of America is at stake—the President has no choice but to call in Luke wkkk.net of an elite, disbanded FBI team, Luke does not want the job. But with new enemies—foreign and domestic—closing in on her from all sides, the President can only trust him. What follows is an action-packed international roller-coaster, as Luke learns that the terrorists are more sophisticated than anyone realizes, that the target is more extensive than anyone could image—and that there is very little time left to save America.丑妃逆袭:王爷你很会撩嘛