宅女元笙穿越成上有老下有小的农家女元笙,吃好穿暖虽不说是奢望,但日子总归过得紧巴巴的。这不,元笙带领全家人勤勤恳恳奔小康。刨田地,种果树,开作坊,懒洋洋地享受着自己双手努力的成果。上一世的自己娴静安然,这一世的元笙佛系洒脱。只是,能不能远离凶巴巴的将军呀。元笙有些小苦恼。Voyagers II
Keith Stoner had been in a state of suspended animation for eighteen years. It was eighteen years earlier that Stoner had been an American member of a joint U.S. - Soviet venture to capture an alien ship, but when the Soviets had to pull out, Stoner willfully persisted and it was then, during that time on the strange ship that Stoner fell into the strange state that was neither here, nor there.Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner is now head of Vanguard Industries, which has recovered the alien ship. As a result, her company now controls the vast new technology and the fortune it reaps in - as well as control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn't know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the labyrinths of Stoner's mind.马克思主义与当代(2009)
本书是关于研究马克思主义与当代关系的论文集,书中主要体收录了:《浅析马克思主义关于人与自然的思想与我国生态文明建设》,《人权与社会主义法治》,《美学视阈下的高职思想政治课教学新探》,《大学生思想政治工作的柔性管理刍议》,《浅析农村留守妇女面临的问题、发展趋势及其解决建议》等文章。本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。The American Republic