本书描画了自混世魔王张献忠出世(公元1606年)至康熙五十九年(1720年)岳钟琪入藏击败准噶尔兵105年间的历史。作者以其犀利的笔锋,麻辣的文字,漫画式地再现了郑成功的愈挫愈奋、忠贞不改,顺治帝的为爱痴狂、沮丧抗争,康熙的擒鳌拜、平三藩、灭准葛尔的“呵呵”武功。在这本书中,叱咤风云的历史人物形象被彻底颠覆,“大汉奸”吴三桂仁爱与忠诚的英雄形象更加伟岸,千古一帝,广为后世称颂的明君康熙却是个心理扭曲、性格乖戾、下流无耻的变态狂。乍一读,似乎感到如雷轰顶,让人毛发俱立,难以接受,但细细思量,就能发现其中的无限真意。Situation Room (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #3)
SITUATION ROOM is book #3 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 60 five star reviews!A cyberattack on an obscure U.S. dam leaves thousands dead and the government wondering who attacked it, and why. When they realize it is just the tip of the iceberg—and that the safety of all of America is at stake—the President has no choice but to call in Luke wkkk.net of an elite, disbanded FBI team, Luke does not want the job. But with new enemies—foreign and domestic—closing in on her from all sides, the President can only trust him. What follows is an action-packed international roller-coaster, as Luke learns that the terrorists are more sophisticated than anyone realizes, that the target is more extensive than anyone could image—and that there is very little time left to save America.快穿之我家宿主又精分了
池墨拔剑而起:“狗蛋,开启终极大屠杀模式。”系统身无可恋:“……宿主,其实这个位面还可以再抢救一下!!” 池墨刚好拆完cp,顺便又招来了天道的九九八十一雷轰顶。 “……恭喜宿主,获得一份钻石大礼包,开始位面终极大逃亡模式。” 可高冷可鬼畜可腹黑女主VS不明属性男主本文〖1v1〗ps:本文纯属虚构,请勿代入现实