文化一词,常挂在我们的嘴边,诸如饮食文化、服饰文化、民俗文化,再如文化素质、文化品位、文化遗产,等等。那么究竟什么是文化呢?中国历史悠久、源远流长,文化资源异常庞杂丰富,博大精深。为弘扬民族文化,激起广大青少年对中国文化了解甚至探究的兴趣,《青少年不可不知的中国文化常识》力求选取中国文化中最基本最常用的内容。Evita, First Lady
Eva Peron was a star and a legend during her lifetime, one of the most alluring women of the twentieth century. Through the hit Broadway musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber, her story became famous, and with the release of the film starring Madonna as Eva Peron, her life became a media obsession once again. Whore and feminist, tyrant and saint, Evita was the beautiful and legendary woman who rose up from poverty to become the hypnotically powerful first lady of Argentina. To millions of poor people she was a savior; to her enemies she was a monstrous dictator. In this riveting biography, John Barnes explores the astonishing paradox of this champion of the poor who attacked the rich and, in the process, made herself the wealthiest woman in the world.莫泊桑作品选(语文新课标课外必读第四辑)