本书分为三辑: “俊逸风骨: 《我们》散话”“独标高格: 悦读白马湖派散文家”“艺术的闲谈: 白马湖文派”, 收录了《〈我们〉的缘起与价值》《三等车的文学“滋味”》《白马湖新绿: 现代散文“白马湖派”》等文章。问剑诛心
站在生与死的边缘线上,绯流樱回首过去,她看到的不再是牢笼,她看到的是:焰流火对家国的深情寒流霜对向往的追求月流萤对自由的随行夜流尘对信仰的守护烟流云对情感的执着以及自己的不认命和离经叛道。她要推翻一切生来彷徨的枷锁,斩断羁绊的束缚,哪怕前路再曲再折、再漫再长,哪怕前路只有死亡。所有的爱与不爱,恨与不恨都在一次又一次的摧残之中浮浮沉沉,放大所有的荒唐和不羁与全世界为敌,哪怕又输给了自己,输给了全世界。纵身一跃,向死神的怀抱靠近,她虽将与死神拥抱,可她的信仰永恒不灭,一个绯流樱死了还会有第二个、第三个乃至无数个,她灰飞烟灭也不可惜,因为她是这自由堕落的继承者。她是神祗、她是恶魔、她是抵抗生来成囚的枷锁与牢笼的命运弃子。整个宇宙都是被黑暗包围的,丑、恶与黑暗终将湮灭所谓光明。Situation Room (a Luke Stone Thriller—Book #3)
SITUATION ROOM is book #3 in the bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (book #1), a free download with over 60 five star reviews!A cyberattack on an obscure U.S. dam leaves thousands dead and the government wondering who attacked it, and why. When they realize it is just the tip of the iceberg—and that the safety of all of America is at stake—the President has no choice but to call in Luke wkkk.net of an elite, disbanded FBI team, Luke does not want the job. But with new enemies—foreign and domestic—closing in on her from all sides, the President can only trust him. What follows is an action-packed international roller-coaster, as Luke learns that the terrorists are more sophisticated than anyone realizes, that the target is more extensive than anyone could image—and that there is very little time left to save America.