“凶手”还没出手“又”死了,还有完没完了?报告老板:我不会告诉你我是来偷绩效考核表的!社会小哥友情提示:收保护费请小心摊主!你的手机我可以还你,但你得先告诉我我是谁啊?交易时千万要小心假币,别怪我没提醒你啊!只有成功破了这个案子,我才能荣升刑警队长,仕途啊!脱线女侦探王小貌VS自我感觉良好的季警官“纸上悬疑推理剧”第二季欢脱来袭“你好,我是季警官。你觉得,我和一般的警察有什么不同?”Passing On
Booker-Prize winning author Penelope Lively is that rare writer who goes from strength to strength in book after perfectly assured book. In Passing On, she applies her distinctive insight and consummate artistry to the subtle story of a domineering and manipulative mother's legacy to her children. With their mother's death, Helen and Edward, both middle-aged and both unmarried, are left to face the ramifications of their mother's hold on their lives for all of these years. Helen and Edward slowly learn to accept what has been lost in their own lives and embrace what can yet be retrieved. "The richest and most rewarding of her novels." - The Washington Post Book World学会识人、了解自己(学会做人学会生活系列)