她只是想好好地平静的再公司里当个小秘书,可是却因为误救了总裁的奶奶而被看上当了孙媳妇……她一心想要得到南宫家的财产,但是没有想出中途杀出个人,嫁了进来,造成了她的威胁……他爱的是她,娶的却是她,当最后发现,原来爱错了人后,他说了很久以前,他对她说的那句话:丫头,你是我要守护的!【蓬莱岛原创社团出品】Four Quartets
Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.