“这么多美男,我却只能独独选一个。”白月微一脸可惜。系统:“……”反正都是大佬,有区别吗?白月微只是在她的世界待的无聊了,才和系统交易的,只是没想到自家系统还是个奸细...“想”安无事:想得开 得自在
这是一部关于生活心理学的图书,作者以生动的语言,丰富的案例,针对当下很多人在一些无关重要的事情上过于较真,身心疲惫的现实,正反比较地讲述了想得开对于个人生活的重要意义,对于当下很多人的生活具有重要的参考价值。全书内容通俗易懂,适合广大读者阅读。Pasta (Sheila Lukins Short eCookbooks)
For over twenty years, PARADE food editor, writer, and chef Sheila Lukins has inspired would-be chefs across the country with her accessible and easy-to-prepare Simply Delicious recipes. This e-cookbook is a compilation of Sheila's favorite chicken recipes from her time at PARADE, written with the busy home cook in mind.In addition to dozens of creative and succulent chicken recipes, this book provides an easy tutorial on how to roast the perfect chicken and carve poultry at the table. Readers get plenty of delicious and fun ideas for jazzing up a weeknight chicken dinner or creating the perfect special-occasion meal—that are sure to delight the entire family.英雄联盟系统之异界穿越
二十一世纪天才毒医安浅兮在一次任务中跟敌人同归于尽。一朝穿越,医毒在手,天下任我走,翻手丹药,生死人,肉白骨;覆手毒药,魂断九霄。可是谁来告诉她,这个赖在她身边的妖孽是何方神圣。“娘子,为夫病了。”苍寒宸抱住安浅兮的腰身,双手不停抹油。“滚。”安浅兮怒斥。“遵命,娘子。”苍寒宸开始宽衣解带。安浅兮:“……” (暂停更新。)