被人算计,危机关头,君少破门而入,慕情安心的以为得救了。谁想一觉醒来,却已被这只笑面狐狸惦记上!这避如蛇蝎的男人从此缠上她的生活。“再敢逃,我让你们慕氏连根拔起!”某日,权倾乔城的君大少再次俘获小娇妻。“君御航,你有完没完?”笑面狐狸精明的算计:“老婆,我是商人,追债是我的强项,昨天的账我就不收利息了,但今天必须还完。”Berlin Diary
A radio broadcaster and journalist for Edward R. Murrow at CBS, William Shirer was new to the world of broadcast journalism when he began keeping a diary while in Europe during the 1930s. It was in 1940, still a virtual unknown, that Shirer wondered whether his reminiscences of the collapse of the world around Nazi Germany could be of any interest or value as a book.