如果不是夕阳西下的那个侧脸,不是那个懵懂的岁月里遇见那场盛开的烟花,也许所有的一切都不会这么复杂,可是,命运在冥冥之中便注定,有一种爱,叫做轮回。它不是生离死别,而是撕心裂肺。The Cheerleaders of Doom (NERDS Book Three)
Matilda "Wheezer" Choi, the asthmatic who can fly and kick butt courtesy of her nanobyte-enhanced inhalers, loves pro wrestling and hates anything "girlie." Maybe that's because she grew up with six brothers—or maybe it's because her home life has become a battle zone in the conflict between her parents. Unfortunately for Wheezer, when a former member of NERDS turned villain gets extensive plastic surgery in order to become a cheerleader, Matilda must swallow her pride to successfully infiltrate the squad. The newest supervillain, Gerdie Baker, assisted by the criminal mastermind Simon, has created a device that opens portals to other worlds, which she and the other cheerleaders have been pillaging. But the alternate realities are starting to get awfully close together, so it's up to Wheezer and the NERDS to stop the cheerleaders before the worlds collide.当你的才华还撑不起你的梦想时