A Kiss for Queens (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six)
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)The new #1 Bestselling epic fantasy series by Morgan Rice!In A KISS FOR QUEENS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six), it is time for Sophia to come into her own. It is time for her to lead an army, to lead a nation, to step up and be the commander of the most epic battle the realm may ever see. Her love, Sebastian, remains imprisoned and set to be executed. Will they reunite in time?苏北有佳人
十七岁那年,苏北和顾佳宁约定大学一起去燕京。后来在机场的角落里,苏北看着顾佳宁头也不回地进了安检通道,去了西部那个号称十三朝古都的城市。—二十五岁那年,苏北和顾佳宁在两家家长玩笑般地安排下结了婚。 —新婚第二天,顾佳宁就背着单反,拉着行李箱去了青藏高原,果决的背影和当年她去上大学时一模一样。—苏北想大概两人之间所有的玩笑,都只有他当了真。他演着独角戏,看着顾佳宁在这场婚姻里自由来去……———— 小剧场: 酒吧包厢里,他一杯一杯地灌自己酒,开口时,声音听不出情绪:“我要结婚了。” 看着好友惊讶的神色,他继续开口:“商业联姻,和顾家。” — “你就这样同意了?”好友不理解,轻易妥协可不是他的风格。 他笑起来,神色却有几分哀伤:“我迟迟没有回答,他们都以为我是不愿意。” 又饮尽一杯酒,他的声音愈发低沉:“其实我只是怕她不愿意。” 校园+都市月影胡歌:秦迷未央宫