儿童是娇嫩的小苗,他们用充满好奇的目光对这世界进行着无穷无尽的探索。可是当他们向世界伸出探索之手时,父母的担心也随着逐渐增加。让孩子远离意外和疾病,快乐地成长是每个父母不变的期盼。本书帮助父母了解儿童的心理和身体,让父母针对孩子的特点,提供合理饮食,预防疾病,是一本实用的育儿的读物。10th Muse: Blade of Medusa
In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - the Muse of Justice, Emma Sonnet's birthright! Emma Sonnet is on the debate team, a cheerleader and popular. Everyone in high school has their secrets, hers being a superhero. This is a tale of one girl that will make a difference. When students on the swim team are missing, the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the Minotaur in time to save them.