服饰通览中国服饰文化演变中国服饰的历史源远流长,从原始社会、商周、春秋战国、秦汉、魏晋南北朝、隋唐、宋辽夏金元、明清,到近现代,都以鲜明特色为世界所瞩目。原始社会服饰(公元前21世纪之前)战国时人撰写的《吕氏春秋》、《世本》及稍晚的《淮南子》提到,黄帝、胡曹或伯余创造了衣裳。Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Gardener, Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes is the utterly beguiling tale of a ten-year-old blind orphan who has been schooled in a life of thievery. One fateful afternoon, he steals a box from a mysterious traveling haberdasher—a box that contains three pairs of magical eyes. When he tries the first pair, he is instantly transported to a hidden island where he is presented with a special quest: to travel to the dangerous Vanished Kingdom and rescue a people in need. Along with his loyal sidekick—a knight who has been turned into an unfortunate combination of horse and cat—and the magic eyes, he embarks on an unforgettable, swashbuckling adventure to discover his true destiny. Be sure to read the companion book, Sophie Quire and the Last Storyguard. Praise for Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes "Auxier has a juggler's dexterity with prose that makes this fantastical tale quicken the senses."-Kirkus Reviews