《做最好的自己,上天自有安排》汇集“一个” “豆瓣”“简书” 等热门的17位优质作者,精选治愈万千读者的暖文,用文字镌刻的青春岁月,让我们在努力变好的路上,不孤单;让我们变得更好的历程,更美好。强大的心是我们驰骋生命征程的利器,做好自己,上天自会给你打赏。隐婚蜜恋:总裁求放过
(甜宠文)李时念拉着小包子一本正经的说道,,“宝贝,你以后眼睛一定不能近视!”小包子不解的看着她麻麻:“为什么呢?”李时念捂着胸口,“因为不想你长大后被一个跟你爹一样腹黑的人坑!” 听完这话,小包子意味深长的‘哦’了一声,然后小手指着李时念的背后。 李时念慢慢的转过头,看见的正是她口中的腹黑老公。 萧宇晨一把抱起李时念,将她扔在床上,“听说我腹黑?” 于是……小白兔就被教育了。人生处处是狗血,没有最狗血,只有更狗血!何不一起把狗血的人生演绎出狗血的巅峰呢!To Buy a Memory
Loretta has loved Lee for years--even following him to South Africa so they could be married. But when she meets Paul Tremayne, a domineering, ruggedly handsome man who happens to be Lee's friend and employer, her attraction to him is undeniable. Loretta gives in to her desire--and finds that behind Paul's severe exterior burns a passion so fierce she is powerless to resist it. Torn between two loves, Loretta must choose--or risk losing her heart and the man she loves.