为什么?洛晚昔蹲在门槛上问老天。您这算是惩罚我么?我生活美满幸福自由,还是您是在妒忌我?不过,有武林世家的小公子和太子殿下为我做跑堂小二,我也应该知足了吧!洛晚昔这么安慰自己。只是老天爷,您啊!为什么喜欢我的不是手无缚鸡之力的小白脸就是凶神恶煞五大三粗的猛男?好不容易来了一个看得上眼的大小姐,以为是同乡却偏偏是土著。好不容易把太子殿下训练成了油嘴滑舌的小二却又被拎回去做皇帝。好不容易开了家客栈准备混吃混喝等死却被猥琐的大叔逼着继承他的衣钵。老天,你折磨我是吧!我才不要去皇宫做太子妃,也不要去山贼窝做压寨夫人。不是压寨夫人?那也不去!更不要说去豪门做什么大少奶奶了。这辈子,我死都要死在开门迎客!Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates
Here is a funny middle-grade mystery from a bright new fiction talent. Things in the New England town of Ashcrumb are getting weird. Or just weirder. Misty Gordon, whose antique-dealing parents drive a van that says "D.E.A.D." on the side (for "Deceased’s Estate and Antique Dealer"), is accustomed to weird. One day, when accompanying her father to the estate of a recently departed clairvoyant, Misty discovers a notebook and a pair of eyeglasses that enable her to see ghosts! And solve mysteries. With the help of her new powers and her best friend, Yoshi, Misty learns that her hometown was settled not by respectable colonists but by pirates! And the ghosts of the pirates are returning to reclaim a dangerous, powerful treasure they lost centuries ago. Who will find it first, Misty or the pirates?