185篇人生哲理美文,185段经典的人生哲理感悟。一篇美文就是一道独特的人生风景,让您品味生活的千滋百味 一种感悟就是一泓深邃的哲理清泉,助您开启生命的智慧之光。这一篇篇充满智慧的美文,充满哲理的感悟,教会我们用心去拥抱生活,用爱去点燃希望。智谋通鉴(历代经典文丛)
《智谋通鉴》荟萃了中国古代风云人物的各种纵横韬略,并结合了人物和历史背景对谋略、策略及典范性历史事件做具体剖析。《智谋通鉴》反映了人类在不同情况下对自然和社会的认识,并在此认识的基础上作出各种机智巧妙的应对策略。智谋是人们在求生存和发展中积淀的智慧,是历史进步的产物,为后世传说和应用。Another Eden
Susanne thought she'd landed her dream job when she got the chance to work with renowned novelist Nick Merridew. But it got even better when she met his handsome brother, Richard. After a whirlwind romance, Susanne and Richard were engaged-and couldn't be happier.Then a car accident robbed Susanne of her sight just weeks before her wedding, and it wasn't Richard who was at her bedside. It was Nick-dark, handsome, and arrogant, a man whose presence had always filled Susanne with dangerous desire. Now Susanne had a heart-wrenching decision to make. And no matter what choice she made, she stood to lose-and gain-far more than the accident could ever take away.