江歆语与伍默谦的婚姻,只有郎才女貌,没有门当户对。只有胎儿脐带血,没有天长地久白头偕老。蓄谋的婚姻,一旦捅破,终走至尽头。离婚前,伍家全员皆将她当成草!他妈说:“鸠占雀巢这么久,是时候给人腾出个地了。”他最爱的女人说:“他娶你,不过是为了让我续命!”她与孩子命悬一线,他亦说:“没有爱情的结晶,留着也枉然。”离婚后,她顶着弃妇的桂冠,男人们却将她当成手心里的宝。暖男说:“嫁给我吧,我可以给你享之不尽的财富,海阔天空般的爱!”花心男说:“只要你愿意嫁我,为表专一,我便去结扎。”他妒红双眼,专挑爱她的男人下手,竟做起再次毁她幸福的那个一品渣男!忍无可忍杀上门去,却不知这又是一场蓄谋已久有去无返的温柔游戏。这时候,他还装B故作高冷说:“复婚吧,我尝试着爱你。”总裁前夫想吃回头草,她霸气侧漏:“复婚可以,先叫你妈与小三腾出个地!再割了你一边的肾给人续命!然后戳瞎自己的眼睛,反正你有眼睛也一样瞎,留着也枉然!”【简介无力,正文为主。】【文案看似小虐,其实是宠文!不信?收藏阅读试试】Troy High
Homer's Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High. Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who used to be the captain of the Spartan cheerleaders—transfers to Troy High and falls madly in love with Cassie's brother Perry, the Spartans vow that the annual homecoming game will never be forgotten. Off the football field, an escalating prank war fuels tensions between the schools. The stakes are raised when Cassie is forced to choose between the boy she loves (a Spartan) and loyalty to her family and school. Troy High will seduce readers with its cast of mythic proportions.