她是天界的一个小小药仙儿,得罪了天帝,被天帝毁了灵体,罚下人界,灵魂附身在太子府那个废柴无能,丑如无盐,被自己的夫君活活打死的倒霉太子妃的身上!没关系,就算是用这个废柴无能,丑如无盐的太子妃的身份在人界重生,她同样可以活得风生水起,精彩纷逞!且看本姑娘如何治渣男,整恶妃,拍狠后,泡美男……死而复生的丑女南宫惜若将刀子架太子龙天绝的脖子上,瞧着那狠唳阴冷得几乎滴出水来的分明五官,南宫惜若满脸不屑的一扬下巴:“连天帝我都敢揍,太子,你简直弱爆了!遇上我算你这辈子倒了大霉!”--情节虚构,请勿模仿Station Island
The title poem from this collection is set on an island that has been a site of pilgrimage in Ireland for over a thousand years. A narrative sequence, it is an autobiographical quest concerned with 'the growth of a poet's mind'. The long poem is preceded by a section of shorter lyrics and leads into a third group of poems in which the poet's voice is at one with the voice of the legendary mad King Sweeney. 'Surpasses even what one might reasonably expect from this magnificently gifted poet.' John Carey, Sunday Times