本书是法国大作家雨果写于1831年的一本爱情小说。它以离奇和对比手 法写了一个发生在15世纪法国的故事:巴黎圣母院副主教克洛德道貌岸然、 蛇蝎心肠,先爱后恨,迫害吉卜赛女郎爱斯梅拉尔达。面目丑陋、心地善良 的敲钟人卡西莫多为救女郎舍身。小说揭露了宗教的虚伪,宣告禁欲主义的 破产,歌颂了下层劳动人民的善良、友爱、舍己为人,反映了雨果的人道主义思想。雨果第一部具有广泛影响的长篇小说。AARP's 2014 Almanac
AARP's Almanac is packed with facts, figures and fun stuff relevant to people 50+. With a newly revised format, this treasure trove features--+ Ways to save money this year, including places to get free stuff (from good-for-you yoga classes to decadent doughnuts) as well as scams to avoid and seasonal best buys+ Milestone birthdays for celebrities, politicians and thought leaders, along with tidbits you may not know about them (such as who was inspired to become a lawyer by Perry Mason episodes?)+ A monthly guide to good health, seasonal power foods and delicious--and, yes, healthy--recipes+ Great vacation spots, film festivals, book fairs and food festivals nationwide+ Landmark 50th anniversaries to be celebrated in 2014, from the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act to the Beatles' debut on "The Ed Sullivan Show"+ Tips for reimagining your life+ Supreme Courts cases that could affect you and your familyThe Dream
Renowned for his nonfiction accounts of the historical events of which he was both an eyewitness and shaper, Churchill was also an occasional writer of fiction. This is one of his fictional works—a short story in which the ghost of his father, Randolph, pays him a visit. Churchill reveals to his father all the goings-on in the world since his death in 1985, leaving out one crucial detail—his own important part in determining the unfolding of these events.At once lyrical and nostalgic, The Dream is a fascinating foray into creative narration for Churchill—demonstrating a surprising weightiness of emotion and significance.