她,是21世纪的新一代少年,高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵!无奈,他是来凑热闹的好不好?竟然穿越到了异世大陆,穿越成为一朝丞相府废柴七小姐,莫名其妙有了婚约,相公竟然是战神!他,好歹也是圣贸国闻风丧胆但是却又俊美绝伦的安王爷好不好?某王爷:“本王心中只有你一个!”某姑娘:“那我的心中可不一定只有你一个!”某王爷:“你敢!”美男多多,帅哥多多,宠妻多多!看她如何插科打诨,在异世大陆斗魔兽,混青楼,学武功,对付如意“狼”君,闯出一片天!看他如何完美的从霸气侧漏的安王殿下变身唯冰儿是从的妻管严!(本文欢乐向,请备好纸巾,备好零食,以防笑出鼻血)Getting There
The path to success is rarely easy or direct, and good mentors are hard to find. In Getting There, thirty leaders in diverse fields share their secrets to navigating the rocky road to the top. In an honest, direct, and engaging way, these role models describe the obstacles they faced, the setbacks they endured, and the vital lessons they learned. They dispense not only essential and practical career advice, but also priceless wisdom applicable to life in general. Getting There is for everyone—from students contemplating their futures to the vast majority of us facing challenges or seeking to reach our potential.