爱是春天的种子、夏天的清凉、秋天的果实、冬天的温暖;爱是喧嚣世界外的桃源,是汹涌波涛后平静的港湾;爱是无边沙漠中的绿洲,是寂寞心 灵中最动心的慰藉。烟花,虽然终究烟消无踪,可它毕竟绚烂过。有些爱虽然过去,但依然如花般的绚烂,芳香四溢,铭刻在心!Crush
Amalie is a sexy, beautiful thirty-year-old haute bourgeoisie wife of a distant husband. One evening at a service station on the outskirts of the Bois de Boulogne, she meets David and steps into an erotic and sensuous new life. Twenty years her senior, darkly handsome, and almost embarrassingly virile, he is a suave filmmaker, a confirmed bachelor, and the perfect match for the perfect affairbut one with a twist. Amalie isn't looking for love, but she's hungry for pleasure. Written with cool-headed intensity and sexual heat, Crush is an unforgettable odyssey through the wilds of desire into the badlands of erotic obsession.