
第11章 出生是人生的起点(3)

1.3 作品欣赏

1.3 Appreciations of the Novel


A Dream of Red Mansions is rich in ideas and concepts. It is a multi-faceted world of art into whichthe more one delves the more one finds. The charm of the novel lies, in short, in its revealing youth fully andtruthfully, in its uncovering the naivety, zeal, grace and tenderness of the younger generation. Although theera in which the protagonists of the novel Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu lived, together with its social conditionsand cultural environment, has long since vanished, their dreams and longings, together with those of theyoung ladies of the Grand View Garden, still strike a sympathetic chord in the hearts of the people of today.



A Dream of Red Mansions is the peak of the art of the novel in ancient China. Its artistic achievementis displayed first of all in its dazzling array of characters (as many as 975). With superb artistry the authorpresents a panoramic genre-painting, a whole gallery of highly individual yet typical characters. Throughdetailed deions of their dail life he succeeds in depicting their different idiosyncrasies, thoughts andfeelings. In the use of dialogue too he shows outstanding skill, putting such distinctive speech into eachcharacter’s mouth that the reader feels as if he can see and hear the speaker. Lady Dowager, Jia Zheng, JiaBaoyu, Yuanchun, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun, Wang Xifeng, Qin Keqing, Second Sister You,Granny Liu, Xiren, Qinwen and the others all have their distinct personalities and are as true to life as ifthey were living among us. These richly complex characters with their different stations in life and divergentviews and philosophies act out an intricate pattern of human relationships and conflicts within the Jia familymansion. Apart from their distinct ways of acting and speaking, and the peculiarities of their appearances,dress and living arrangements, these people all have clear character traits. The reader knows who is who justby their manner of speaking or the layouts of their rooms. Peculiar to the characterization in this novel is thefact that it breaks with the stereotypes of traditional Chinese fiction like good characters always describedas good and bad ones as bad, and employs different writing methods to display their rich and complicatedpersonalities from different angles. Such character delineation is a rare accomplishment not only in Chineseliterature but in the whole field of world literature.


The literary merit of A Dream of Red Mansions is also displayed in the grandness and exquisiteness ofits artistic structure. The novel is a microcosm of the world of its time, revolving around the love between JiaBaoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai. The host of personages and events converge on, link and restrict eachother to make the plot develop smoothly in a chain of cause and effect, as the tragedy moves dramatically andinexorably to its climax. The world of A Dream of Red Mansions is as rich, complicated, deep and natural aslife itself. Though created by Cao Xueqin according to his own experiences of life and his family history, thenovel betrays no trace of craftsmanship, but presents itself as a natural and spontaneous entity, and it is thisaspect that marks it as a sublime work of art.

《红楼梦》使用的语言既通俗又清丽,准确精练,生动形象,自然流畅,具有诗情画意。人物的语言达到了高度的个性化, 能够准确地显示出人物的身份、地位和性格,新鲜传神,令人赞叹不已。难怪人们会说曹雪芹是个语言大师,他的语言创造使《红楼梦》的语言达到了炉火纯青的地步。

The language used in A Dream of Red Mansions is marked by popularity and elegance, accuracy andconciseness, liveliness and graphicness, naturalness and fluency as well as poetic beauty. The language foreach character achieves a very high degree of individuality and precisely indicates his or her identity, statusand temperament. It is so fresh and lifelike as to be praiseworthy. No wonder people say Cao Xueqin is agreat master at language. His language competence has almost perfected the language of A Dream of RedMansions.

《红楼梦》是部百科全书式的小说,以一个贵族家庭为中心展开一幅社会历史全景画卷。当时中国社会的每级每第,从皇帝的配偶到商贩、信童, 都是以真实生活的时兴式样再现出来,并且,以封建社会末期出现的所有社会矛盾为线索贯穿全书情节。例如主仆间、妻妾间的争斗,贵族中的经济危机,继承权的争夺,封建主义和新生的民主精神的斗争等等。小说还提供了当时贵族家庭的园艺建筑、车马用具、衣装饰品、习惯礼仪、食物饮料、医药补品等的大量细节。实际上,《红楼梦》所介绍的文化内容之丰富多彩不仅在中国文学史上,就在世界文学史中也是同类小说所罕见的。

A Dream of Red Mansions is an encyclopedic novel. Centered on an aristocratic family, it unrollsa panorama of social history. Every grade and station of Chinese society of that time—from an imperialconsort to peddlers and messengers boys—are presented in a true-to-life fashion. In addition, all the socialcontradictions which emerged toward the end of the feudal period are threaded through the plot: for instance,the conflict between master and slave, that between the master of the house’s legal wife and his concubines,the economic crisis in a noble clan in the absence of an heir, and that between feudalism and the newlysprouting spirit of democracy. The novel also provides a wealth of details concerning aristocratic householdsin those days—garden architecture, the equipage of carriages, clothing and ornaments, customs and etiquette,food and drink, medicines, etc. Indeed, the cultural reference content of A Dream of Red Mansions is of akind rarely seen not only in the history of Chinese literature but also in the history of world literature.

在中国古典小说中,因一部作品的研究而在学术界成为一门专学的,大概只有《红楼梦》一书。几百年来对《红楼梦》的学习和研究,经久不衰,论争迭起,包含着很多有趣的课题和谜案,如《红楼梦》的版本、思想艺术内容、最后四十回、后续问题、文学主题,曹雪芹的生活和家庭背景、红学历史等。对这些课题和谜案的不同观点和解释,便出现了不同的红学学派,如评点派、 索隐派、 新红学派等。甚至在今天,它仍是我们中国人谈论的热门话题。由此可见《红楼梦》在中国文学史上至高无上的地位。

The Chinese classic A Dream of Red Mansions is perhaps the only novel to have become a specializedfield of study. The research on and study of the novel has continued for hundreds of years, and hasengendered a great deal of debate, bringing up interesting themes and mysteries, such as its editions, itsideological and artistic content, the last 40 chapters, the sequels, the literary content, Cao Xueqin’s life andfamily background, the history of Redology, etc. Because of the different viewpoints and interpretations aboutthe themes and mysteries mentioned above, there are different schools of Redology, such as the Pingdian(Commentating) school, the Suoyin(Tracing out the hidden) School, the New Redologist school, etc. Even upto now, it is still a hot topic of conversation among us Chinese. All this fully proves its paramount status in thehistory of Chinese literature.


A Dream of Red Mansions attracted the interest of a wide range of readers as soon as it began tocirculate in hand-copied form. It was spread like wildfire, even beyond the border of China. Since the 1840s,the novel has been published in many foreign languages, including English, German, French, Japanese,Russian, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai, etc. All these translations have helpedto increase appreciation of A Dream of Red Mansions among readers worldwide and establish the novel asa true jewel in the store of mankind’s cultural wealth, thereby making an indelible historical contribution tohuman civilization.

  • 邓绍基论文集


  • 徐志摩诗文书信集(套装共3册)


    《徐志摩诗全集》共分为五个部分:其中“志摩的诗”收录了诗人早期发表的56篇诗作;“翡冷翠的一夜”收录35篇;“猛虎集”收录33篇;“云游”11篇;“集外集”部分,是编者从报刊、徐志摩日记等处辑录的徐志摩未收入诗集的作品,共62篇。《徐志摩书信集》通过集锦徐志摩与四位民国传奇女性的书信,窥探故事之外诗人真实的内心情感——对原配张幼仪的朋友之情;与旧爱林徽因相忘于江湖;对陆小曼的体贴入微,柔情蜜意;与知己凌叔华的君子之交。《徐志摩美文集》共收录了26篇美文,分为三部分:“浪迹萍踪”收录了在外游历时的见闻感想11篇;“天末凉风” 记叙了与旧识、知己、师长、亲人之间的情谊8篇;“烟火人间”集锦了对于生活、生命的感悟7篇。
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