
第15章 出生是人生的起点(7)


Baochai’s life is permanently bound up with Baoyu’s by marriage while Daiyu’s life is closely relatedwith Baoyu’s by love. The love between Daiyu and Baoyu is strangled to death and ends in a heart-breakingtragedy, including the death of Daiyu and Baoyu’s decision to be tonsured to become a monk. The marriagebetween Baochai and Baoyu is well-matched by a plan to fob off a different bride on Baoyu. Although Baoyugets married to Baochai by force, he has little in common with her and finally decides to forsake her andtonsure himself to become a monk. Consequently, their marriage without love ends up tragically. That’s whythe lives of Baoyu, Daiyu and Baochai are reflected in the first song (except“Prologue to The Dream of RedMansions”) A Life Misspent of“the Dream of Red Mansions Songs”—well-matched, all say, the goldand the jade; I alone recall the pledge between plant and stone. Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world. I sigh, learning that no man’s happiness iscomplete: Even a pair thought well-matched may find disappointment.


Shi Xiangyun: Shi Xiangyun is the Lady Dowager’s grandniece, of the Shi family and the niece of ShiDing, Marquis of Zhong Jing. She is still in her cradle when her parents die. Although living in luxury whowill dote on her?“Xiangyun is a nobody at home”. Baochai said,“To save expense, her people no longeremploy sewing-women but make practically everything they need themselves. That’s why, during her last fewvisits, she’s confided to me when nobody was about that she gets quite tired out at home. And when I askedabout their daily life, her eyes filled with tears and she made some evasive answer. So I gather she’s havinga hard time of it because she lost her parents so early on.”“Last time she did tell me she has to work tillmidnight at home, and if she does the least bit of work for other people the ladies of the house don’t like it.”


Xiangyun lives with her uncle Shi Ding but her aunt is not very kind to her. That’s why she always wantsto visit the Jia family. Whenever she leaves the Jias, her eyes are brimming with tears and beckons Baoyu toher side.“If the old lady forgets me,”she whispers,“do remind her to send someone to fetch me back.”Solong as Xiangyun returns to the Grand View Garden of the Jia family, just like a fish in water, she recoversher nature of being innocent and lively, frank and outspoken, free and easy, considerate and warmhearted.


Xiangyun has many cousins and friends, such as Baochai, Xiren, etc. in the Grand View Garden.

They are often having a good time there. Thus, when her uncle Shi Ding was transferred to a provincialgovernorship and would be taking his family to his new post in a few days and the Lady Dowager would notwant to part with Xiangyun and would keep her and have her fetched to their house, directing Xifeng to giveher a separate establishment, Xiangyun resolutely declined, and at her insistence they let her move in withBaochai instead. Xiangyun had stayed with the Jias for some periods of time and made good children-friendswith Baoyu and Xiren before Daiyu and Baochai came to stay in the Rong Mansion. Daiyu was much worriedabout the fact that Baoyu’s possession of a gold unicorn as Xiangyun’s might lead to a romance between them.

So she slipped over to see what was happening and judge of their feelings for each other, arriving just asXiangyun was speaking of“worldly affairs”, and in time to hear Baoyu answer,“Miss Lin never talks suchdisgusting nonsense. If she did, I’d have stopped having anything to do with her.”This has released Daiyufrom misunderstanding.


Xiangyun and Daiyu are placed in the same position—Their parents died early. They’re living with theLady Dowager (who is Xiangyun’s Grandaunt and Daiyuu’s Grandmother). Both of them are talented girls,young and beautiful, very good at writing poems. The poem written by them together“A stork’s shadow flitsacross the chilly pool (written by Xiangyun), the poet’s spirit is buried in cold moonlight”(matched by Daiyu)has become the reputed lines for myriad years, which people can never forget. But their attitudes towardstheir lives and their characteristics are quite different: Xiangyun’s attitude towards her life is optimisticand staunch while Daiyu’s is pessimistic and despondent. Xiangyun has a bright and cheerful disposition,is always natural and unrestrained, talkative and laughing, considerate and warmhearted, seeking for a lifethat“a real scholar can afford to be eccentric.”But Daiyu is born weak and often ill. She’s rather jealousand petty-minded, oversensitive and speaking candidly and carpingly. She’s been seeking for a free and purelove which is considered above everything, including her life.


Since Xiangyun’s husband was ill, she had visited only once after the old lady’s death; but she felt shemust attend the funeral which she reckoned would be held in two days’ time. In any case, her husband’sillness had proved to be consumption, so that he was in no immediate danger. She therefore came over the daybefore the wake, when she recalled the old lady’s goodness to her, then thought of her own wretched fate. Shehad only just married a talented, handsome husband with a cheerful disposition, but then he had contractedthis fatal illness which might any day carry him off. In distress she wept half the night. Baoyu, seeing this,grieved for her too but was in no position to comfort her. He noticed that in her white mourning, her face bareof rouge and powder, she looked even lovelier than before her marriage. As for her marriage, that was heruncle’s idea and all went well to start with, but now her husband’s died of consumption and she’s made up hermind never to marry again, poor thing.




The view that Xiangyun is widowed when she’s quite young has been confirmed by the line“Likethe goddess of frost who loves the cold”from her poem Song of white Begonia. Xiangyun is very goodat writing poems, just as Daiyu and Baochai do. It is said that she’s finally remarried to Jia Baoyu—CaoXueqin. It sounds quite reasonable. There are also some indications in the lines of her poems Facingthe Chrysanthemum and Displaying the Chrysanthemum. For Instance, in her poem Facing theChrysanthemum: the line“Brought from another plot, more precious than gold”indicates her remarriage.

In the lines“None, surely, in the world as proud as you; I alone, it seems, know your worth”, who’s so proudin the world! None other than Cao Xueqin! If it is Baoyu, i.e Cao Xueqin, whose bosom friend is naturallyXiangyun (since Daiyu’s been dead). It’s just the aged-lovers’ heartfelt wishes and expectations that“Weshould make the most of autumn, gone so soon, and facing you I treasure every moment.”In her poemDisplaying the Chrysanthemum: the line“Music and wine gladly accompany”indicates their happy life.

In the lines“Tossing my book aside I face a spray of autumn. Fresh dreams penetrate the curtain in clearfrost, sunset in chill garden recalls a former visit.”, who’s“tossing my book aside”? What are“freshdreams?”Where’s“a former visit?”In the way of our thinking, they indicate Cao Xueqin and A Dream ofRed Mansions. By writing A Dream of Red Mansions Cao Xueqin“recalls a former visit”—their formerlives (experience) and has“fresh dreams”—their new ideas and aspirations. The line“You too disdain theworld, for we share the same taste”indicates that Xueqin and Xiangyun“share the same taste”—both ofthem disdain the world!



Miaoyu: Miaoyu comes from a Suzhou family of scholars and officials. She was delicate as a child,and although they bought many substitute novices for her, it was no use—her health didn’t improve untilshe joined the Buddhist order herself. That’s how she became a lay sister. She’s eighteen this year and hername in religion is Miaoyu. Her parents are dead now and she only has two old nurses and one maid to lookafter her. She’s widely read and well-versed in the sutras, besides being very good-looking. She came to thecapital last year, having heard there were relics of Guanyin here and canons inscribed on pattra leaves. She’sbeen living in the Sakyamuni Convent outside the West Gate. Her tutor was an excellent diviner, but shepassed away last winter. Miaoyu had meant to escort the coffin back to her native place; but as her tutor laydying she told the girl not to go back home but to wait quietly where she was for something fortune had in storefor her. So she didn’t accompany the coffin back.“In that case, why not ask her here?”Lady Wang listenedto the report and asked.“She’d refuse,”objected Lin Zhixiao’s wife.“She’d be afraid of being looked downon in a noble household.“A young lady from an official family is bound to be rather proud,”agreed LadyWang.“Why not send her a written invitation?”Thus Miaoyu was invited to be Abbess of Green LatticeNunnery in Grand View Garden.




The Lady Dowager took Granny Liu to Green Lattice Nunnery. Miaoyu promptly ushered them intothe courtyard. Then she brought out in her own hands a carved lacquer tea-tray in the shape of crab-apple blossom, inlaid with a golden design of the“cloud dragon offering longevity.”On this was a coveredgilded polychrome bowl made in the Cheng Hua period, which she offered to the Lady Dowager, and saidsmilingly:“This is Patriarch’s Eyebrows.”“What water have you used?”asked the old lady.“Rain-water saved from last year.”replied Miaoyu smiling. The Lady Dowager drank half the bowl and passedthe rest with a twinkle to Granny Liu, urging her to taste the tea. The old woman drank it straight off. Havingserved tea, Miaoyu plucked at the lapels of Baochai’s and Daiyu’s clothes and they went out with her, followedsurreptitiously by Baoyu. Miaoyu invited them into a side room, while she herself fanned the stove and whenthe water boiled brewed some fresh tea. She was just looking for cups when an old nun came in bringingthe used bowls.“Don’t put away that Cheng Hua bowl,”cried Miaoyu hastily.“Leave it outside.”Baoyuknew that because Granny Liu had used it, she thought it too dirty to keep. Then he saw Miaoyu produce twoexcellent cups and fill them, one to Baochai, the other to Daiyu. She offered Baoyu the green jade beakerthat she normally drank from herself.“Is this made with last year’s rain-water too?”asked Daiyu. Miaoyusmiled disdainfully.“Can you really be so vulgar as not even to tell the difference? This is snow I gatheredfrom plum-blossom five years ago while staying in Curly Fragrance Nunnery on Mount Xuanmu. I managedto fill that whole dark blue porcelain pot, but it seemed too precious to use so I’ve kept it buried in the earthall these years, not opening it till this summer. Today is only the second time I’ve used it. Surely you cantaste the difference? How could last year’s rain-water be as light and pure as this?”Daiyu, knowing hereccentricity, did not like to say too much or stay too long. After finishing her tea she signalled to Baochai andthe two girls left, followed by Baoyu. As he was leaving he said with a smile to Miaoyu,“That bowl may havebeen contaminated, but surely it’s a pity to throw it away? I think you’d do better to give it to that poor woman,who’d make enough by selling it to keep her for some time. Don’t you agree?”After a little reflection Miaoyunodded.“All right,”she said.“It’s a good thing I’d never drunk out of it, or I’d have smashed it. But I can’tgive it to her myself. If you want to give it to her, I’ve no objection. Go ahead and take it.”“Of course,”hechuckled.“How could you speak to the likes of her? You’d be contaminating yourself. Just let me haveit.”Miaoyu sent for the bowl and had it handed to him. As he took it he said,“After we’ve gone, shall I senda few pages with some buckets of water from the stream to wash your floors?”“That’s a good idea.”Shesmiled.“Only make them leave the buckets by the wall outside the gate. They mustn’t come in.”“Ofcourse not.”He withdrew, the bowl in his sleeve, and entrusted it to one of his grandmother’s small maidswith the instruction,“Give this to Granny Liu to take home tomorrow.”By this time the Lady Dowager wasready to leave, and Miaoyu did not press her hard to stay but saw them out and closed the gate behind them.

Just as the song Spurned by the World reads:“She knows not that superiority fosters hatred, for the worlddespises too much purity.”



On Baoyu’s birthday Miaoyu sent an old servant with a greeting card to Baoyu who read:“Miaoyu, theone outside the threshold, sends respectful greetings on the young master’s birthday.”Bayou didn’t know howto word a reply matching that phrase“outside the threshold.”When he saw Xiuyan, he inquired:“Whereare you going, cousin?”“To have a chat with Miaoyu,”was the answer. In surprise he remarked,“She’s soaloof and unconventional that she looks down on everybody. If she thinks so highly of you, this shows you’renot vulgar like the rest of us.”“She may not really think highly of me,”replied Xiuyan with a smile,“butwe were next-door neighbours for ten years when she was practicing asceticism in Curly Fragrance Nunnery.

My family was poor, and we lived for ten years in a house rented from the nunnery; so I often went in to seeher when I was free, and she’s the one who taught me all the characters I know. Apart from being friends inpoverty, she was half my teacher too. After we had left the nunnery to join our relatives, I heard that becauseshe’d offended certain powerful people by her eccentric ways she had to come here for protection too. So asluck would have it we met again, and our old feeling for each other hadn’t changed—in fact she’s even kinderto me than before.”Much impressed by this account Baoyu said with delight,“Meeting you is a heaven-sent chance. You must tell me what to do.”Then he showed the card to Xiuyan.“She hasn’t changed in theleast,”observed Xiuyan with a smile.“She was born like this—headstrong and eccentric. I’ve never seenother people use appellations like this in greeting cards. Why, this, as the saying goes, is neither fish, fleshnor fowl! It doesn’t make sense.”“But you see she’s not one of us,”Baoyu put in.“She’s only sent me thisgreeting because she thinks I have some slight discernment.”Hearing this, Xiuyan said cheerfully,“As theproverb says,‘To know someone by repute is not as good as meeting face to face.’No wonder Miaoyu sentyou this greeting card; no wonder she gave you that plum-blossom last year. As even she shows you specialconsideration, I shall have to explain this to you.”She often says that the only good poetry written by theancients was the two lines:

For a thousand years you may have an iron threshold,But the end must be a mound of earth”

This is why she calls herself“the one outside the threshold.”To fall in with her you should callyourself“the one inside the threshold.”“Aiya!”Baoyu exclaimed.“Well, cousin, I won’t hold you upany longer. I must go and write a reply.”Baoyu wrote on the card:“With the deepest respects of Baoyu, theone inside the threshold.”Taking this himself to the nunnery, he slipped it through a crack in the gate, thenwent back.






Miaoyu and Xichun were playing draughts when Baoyu softly raised the portiere and went in. Hegreeted Miaoyu and said to her with a smile,“It’s rarely that you leave your saintly abode. Why haveyou descended today to the mundane world?”Miaoyu flushed up but said nothing, lowering her head tokeep her eyes on the board. Xichun wanted to finish the game, but after a while Miaoyu said,“Let’s playsome other time.”She stood up to smooth down her clothes, but then sat down again and asked Baoyufatuously,“Where did you come from?”It occurred to Baoyu that she might be testing his understanding.

He reddened and could not answer.“Is that so hard to answer, Second Brother.”chuckled Xichun.“Haveyou never heard the saying,‘I came from where I’ve been’? Why blush like that as if she were astranger?”Miaoyu took this dig personally. Her heart misgave her and her cheeks burned—she knew shemust be red in the face too. In her embarrassment she stood up and said,“I’ve been here so long. I mustbe getting back to my nunnery.”As Xichun knew her ways, instead of pressing her to stay she saw her tothe door.“It’s so long since last I was here,”said Miaoyu,“I may not be able to find my way back withall those twists and turns.”“Why not let me show you the way?”Baoyu volunteered.“Thank you, sir.

Please lead on!”Taking their leave of Xichun, they followed a winding path which took them near BambooLodge. Suddenly they heard a twanging.“Where does that luting come from?”Miaoyu asked.“It must beCousin Lin playing the lute.”Baoyu said.“Let’s call on her.”“One can only listen to luting, not look atit—that’s always been the rule,”she objected.“I’m a vulgar person, I know,”he said with a grin. Beingoutside Bamboo Lodge now, they seated themselves on an artificial hill to listen quietly to the clear music.

As Daiyu paused again, Miaoyu remarked,“The first stanza used the qin rhyme the second the yang rhyme.

Let’s hear what follows.”After they heard another stanza, Miaoyu commented,“How mournful!”“ThoughI don’t understand music, it does sound too sad,”Baoyu agreed. Inside, they heard the strings being re-tuned.“The main string is too high!”Miaoyu exclaimed.“It may not fit that scale.”The colour drainingfrom her face Miaoyu exclaimed,“Why did she suddenly play such a high note? It’s enough to crack metalor stone! This is too extreme.”“What do you mean?”“I doubt if she can keep it up.”Even as she saidthis, they heard the main string snap. Miaoyu stood up and hastily started off.“What’s the matter?”Baoyuasked.“You’ll know later; don’t talk about it.”With that she left, and Baoyu went back to Happy Red Courtfeeling puzzled and depressed.

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