
第17章 出生是人生的起点(9)


Qin Keqing: Qin Keqing’s foster father Qin Ye, a secretary in the Board of Works, was nearly seventyand had lost his wife early. Having no children of his own he had adopted a son and daughter from anorphanage, but the boy had died leaving only the little girl, Keqing. She grew up to be a graceful, charmingyoung woman. Because Qin was remotely connected with the Jia family, they arranged a match and shebecame Jia Rong’s wife.



As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion’s garden, Jia Zhen’s wife Madam Youinvited the Lady Dowager, Lady Xing, Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers. Soon Baoyuwas tired and wanted to have a nap. The Lady Dowager ordered his attendants to take good care of him andbring him back after a rest. At once Jia Rong’s wife Qin Keqing said with a smile:“We have a room readyhere for Uncle Baoyu. The Old Ancestress can set her mind at rest and leave him safely to me.”The LadyDowager had every confidence in this lovely slender young woman who with her gentle, amiable behaviourwas her favourite of all the great-grandsons’s wives of the Rong and Ning branches. She was therefore sureBaoyu would be in good hands. Keqing’s charm reminded Baoyu of Baochai, her grace of Daiyu.


At the Mid-Autumn Festival last month Qin Keqing enjoyed herself half the night with the Old LadyDowager and Lady Wang, and came home none the worse. But for a fortnight since the twentieth of lastmonth she’s grown weaker and weaker every day and lost all her appetite. And she hasn’t had a period for twomonths. Some doctors thought it might mean a happy event. But she was examined by an excellent physiciannamed Zhang Youshi recommended by Feng Ziying, the son of Feng Tang, General Shenwu, and according tohim it isn’t a pregnancy but a serious illness. Xifeng went to see her, clasping Keqing’s hand and said:“Howthin you’ve grown in the few days since last I saw you! Take good care of yourself. The fact that this gooddoctor has been recommended to us is a sign that you’re going to get better. Don’t you worry.”“Even if hewere an immortal, he could cure a disease but not avert my fate,”retorted Keqing with a smile.“I knowit’s only a matter of time now, auntie.”One night, Xifeng dreamed about Keqing coming to say goodbye toher. Before Xifeng could ask more she was woken with a start by four blows on the chime-bar at the secondgate. And a servant announced,“Madam Jia Rong of the East Mansion has passed away.”Xifeng brokeinto a cold sweat. She dressed quickly and hurried over to Lady Wang. By that time the whole household waslamenting, distressed by this shocking news. The old people recalled Keqing’s filial behaviour, the youngpeople her affectionate ways and the children her kindness; while not one of the servants but wept for griefrecollecting her compassion for the poor and humble and her loving goodness to old and young alike.






Qin Keqing’s life is short, and just as pitiful as Xiangling’s (What a real pitiful life). Though they comefrom different families,“Ten Thousand Beauties in One Cup”—all of them are the same in deep misery.

Isn’t it true? Please read the following:“There are twelve sprays of gauze flowers of the new sort made inthe Palace,”Aunt Xue said to Mrs. Zhou.“You may as well take them now that you’re here. Give two eachto your three young ladies. Of the six left, give a couple to Miss Lin and the other four to Master Feng.”Goingout with the box, Mrs. Zhou found Jinchuan still sunning herself on the steps.“Tell me,”she said,“isn’tXiangling the girl there was all that talk about? The one bought just before they came to the capital, who wasat the bottom of that manslaughter case?”“That’s right,”said Jinchuan. Just then Xiangling came over,smiling. Mrs. Zhou took her hand and studied her intently, then turned to Jinchuan again.“She’s a handsomegirl. Reminds me of Master Rong’s wife in our East Mansion.”“That’s what I say,”agreed Jinchuan. Mrs.

Zhou asked Xiangling how old she had been when sold, where her parents were, her age now and nativeplace. But the girl simply shook her head and said she could not remember, so that their hearts bled for her.

Xifeng gave two of the four flowers to Keqing. Just as the theme poem of Chapter 7 reads:

Twelve maids pretty as flowers,But who is it that loves them?

Do you ask the name of the one he meets?

It is Qin whose home is south of the Yangtze River.

Having read the story and poem, we’ve come to know the true fact of Qin Keqing’s origin: She camefrom the Palace, living in the south of the Yangtze River after her marriage.


Having reached Qin Keqing’s room, they were met at the threshold by a subtle perfume which mistedover Baoyu’s eyes and melted his bones.“How good it smells here!”he cried. Entering, he saw on the walla picture by Tang Yin of a lady sleeping under the blossom of a crab-apple tree in spring. On the two scrollsflanking it, Qin Guan the Song scholar had written:

Coolness wraps her dream, for spring is chill;A fragrance assails men, the aroma of wine.

On the dressing-table was a rare mirror from Wu Zetian’s Hall of Mirrors. In the gold tray by it, on whichZhao Feiyan once danced, was the quince thrown in fun by An Lushan at Lady Yang, which had woundedher breast. At one end of the room stood the couch on which Princess Shouchang had slept in the HanzhangPalace, and over it hung the curtains strung from pearls by Princess Tongchang. With her own hands Keqingspread a gauze coverlet washed by Xi Shi and arranged the bridal pillow carried by Hongniang. Then thenurses and attendants made Baoyu lie down and slipped out leaving only four maids Xiren, Qingwen, Sheyueand Qiuwen to keep him company. Look! Qin Keqing’s couch on which Princess Shouchang had slept inthe Hanzhang Palace! Qin Keqing’s curtains strung from pearls by Princess Tongchang! It’s very natural thereaders would unavoidably think that Qin Keqing might also be a princess!



There are many other signs that indicate“true facts concealed”—Qin Keqing’s real origin is from theEmperor’s family instead of an orphanage, and her death is a political suicide instead of a sick one.

The first, the Goddess of Disenchantment told Baoyu:“After meeting your worthy ancestors theDuke of Ningguo and the Duke of Rongguo today and hearing their heartfelt request, I could not bear to letyou be condemned by the world for the greater glory of women. So I brought you here to entertain you withdivine wine and fairy tea, then tried to awaken you with subtle songs. And now I am going to match you withmy younger sister Jianmei (‘Combining the best,’i. e. the best features of Baochai and Daiyu), whosechildhood name is Keqing, and this very night at the auspicious hour you must consummate your union. Thisis simply to let you know that after you have proved for yourself the illusory nature of pleasures in fairylandyou should realize the vanity of love in your dusty world. From this day on you must understand this andmend your ways, giving your minds to the teachings of Confucius and Mencius and devoting yourself to thebetterment of society.”As the Goddess of Disenchantment said, her home is above the Sphere of PartingSorrow in the Sea of Brimming Grief, i.e. She’s from the Grotto of Emanating Fragrance on the Mountain ofExpanding Spring in the Illusory Land of Great Void. She presides over romances and unrequited love onearth, the grief of women and the passion of men in the mundane world. The reincarnations of some formerlovers have recently gathered here, and so she has come to look for a chance to meet out love and longing.

From here we can see that Qin Keqing and her elder sister the Goddess of Disenchantment are superior to theJias, their origin is much nobler than that of the Jias as well.




The second, in First Register of Twelve Beauties of Jinling, next comes a picture of a beautiful womanhanging herself on a tower, with the verdict:

Love boundless as sea and sky is but illusion;When lovers meet, lust must be king.

Say not all evil comes from the Rong Mansion,Truly, disaster originates from the Ning.

The“sky”, the“sea”in the verdict and“tower”(the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion) in a pictureindicate that Qin Keqing comes from the“sky”and returns to the“Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion”, i.e.

She’s born of the noblest family and died of hanging herself on a tower.


The third, in Wang Xifeng’s dream, Qin Keqing told her to do this and that, just like her superior, nother junior, even predicting the political future of their family.“Now you’re being naive, aunt,”Keqingsaid.“Fortune follows calamity as disgrace follows honour. This has been so from time immemorial. Howcan men prevent it? The only thing one can do is to make some provision for lean years in times of plenty.

All’s well at present except for two things. Take care of them and the future will be secure. Although seasonalsacrifices are offered at the ancestral tombs there’s no fixed source of income for this, and although wehave a family school there’s no definite fund for it. Of course, while we’re still prosperous, we don’t lackthe wherewithal for sacrifices, but where’s it to come from once we fall on hard times? I’d like to suggestthat while we’re still rich and noble we should invest in some farms and estates near our ancestral tombsto provide for sacrifices. The family school should be moved to the same place. Let the whole family, oldand young alike, draw up rules whereby each branch of the family will take it in turn to manage the land,income and sacrifices for a year. Taking turns will prevent disputes and malpractices like mortgages or sales.

Then even if the family property were confiscated because of some crime, the estate for ancestral worshopwould be exempted and in those hard times the young people could go there to study and farm. They’d havesomething to fall back on, and there would be no break in the sacrifices. It would be very short-sighted not totake thought for the future in the belief that our present good fortune will last for ever. Before long somethingmarvellous is going to happen which will really‘pour oil on the flames and add flowers to brocade.’But itwill simply be a flash in the pan, a brief moment of bliss. Whatever happens don’t forget the proverb,‘Eventhe grandest feast must have an end.’Take thought for the future before it is too late.”Hence one can seethat Qin Keqing has not only a noble origin but also rich political experience.


The fourth, after Qin Keqing’s death, on the fourth day of the first week of mourning servants withsacrificial offerings arrived from the eunuch Dai Quan, chamberlain of the Palace of Great Splendour, whofollowed in a grat palanquin with an official umbrella and gonging and drumming to offer an oblation. IfQin Keqing was really adopted from an orphanage and had nothing to do with the Imperial Palace, why didthe Chamberlain of the Palace of Great Splendour go in person to offer an oblation? Without the Emperor’sapproval, how dare the eunuch Dai Quan, chamberlain of the Palace of Great Splendour, go to offer anoblation with colors flying and band playing?


The fifth, among the officials attending Qin Keqing’s funeral were: Niu Jizong, hereditary earl of thefirst rank, grandson of Niu Qing, Duke of Zhenguo; Liu Fang, hereditary viscount of the first rank, grandsonof Liu Biao, Duke of Liguo, and other six families, with those of Ning and Rong, were known as the“EightDucal Households.”The other mourners included: the grandson of the Prince of Nan’an; the grandson of thePrince of Xining; Shi Ding, Marquis of Zhongjing, etc. Also present were Han Qi, son of the Earl of Jinxiang;Feng Ziying, son of the General of Divine Valour, and countless other sons of nobles. There were also overa dozen palanquins and thirty to forty sedan-chairs for lady guests. These together with the carriages andsedan-chairs of the Jia family numbered well over a hundred. With the elaborate equipage in front and theperformances given on the way, the procession extended a good three or four li. This shows that Qin Keqing isno ordinary housewife at all but a kinswoman whom the imperial princes and court ministers set a very highvalue on. Otherwise, why have so many princes, dukes and ministers attended her funeral?



The sixth, after Qin Keqing died, Jia Zhen was looking for a good coffin for her. He decided that thecelar-boards he had seen would not do for the coffin and was searching for something better when Xue Pancalled to offer condolences.“In our timber-yard is some qiang wood from the Iron-Net Mountain across thesea,”said the young man.“A coffin made of this would last for ten thousand years. My father bought thistimber for Prince Zhong Yi, but after his disgrace the prince didn’t take it. It’s still stored with us because noone has ventured to buy it. If you like, I’ll have it sent over.”Overjoyed by this news, Jia Zhen had the timberfetched without delay. Everyone gathered round and exclaimed in wonder, for the planks for the sides and thebase were eight inches thick with a grain like that of the areca palm and the perfume of sandalwood or musk.

When tapped they gave off a clear ringing sound like metal or jade. After copious thanks Jia Zhen lost no timein giving directions for the wood to be sawn and varnished. By summing up what mentioned above, we caninfer that Qin Keqing may be the daughter of Prince Zhong Yi and the disclosure of her real origin forces herto commit suicide—hanging herself on a tower.

  • 世界经典民间故事全集:儿童趣事的故事


  • 我们生命中的七七


  • 王国维文选


  • 2009年中国故事精选


  • 古文观止鉴赏大全集(超值金版)


  • 张恨水经典作品系列:秦淮世家


  • 王妃今天下厨了吗


  • Volume Three

    Volume Three

  • 剑仙神捕


  • 破天残道


  • 方与圆


  • 无相天尊


  • 绝色公主闹古代


  • 用英语介绍中国这里是广州


  • 神级帝主

