【腹黑霸道情深不悔男主VS身娇体软假迷糊女主、甜宠、一对一、无虐】结婚只是一时冲动,本来就是一场意乱情迷的花事,可某人却认真了,从来没想过离。律言是一个腹黑的主,骗身、骗婚,附带赠送亿万家产,好不容易才将孟苇变成自己的老婆哄回家。孟苇只想说:“这个背景这么强大的男人,她真的不想要啊!啊!啊!”某个阳光明媚的周末,孟苇窝在沙发上刷微博。传闻,帝都律少上得厅堂下得厨房,还能开挂撩妹追老婆,简直是新时代男性的楷模,新时代女性的梦中良配!孟苇从手机上抬头,瞥了一眼身旁的某人,不屑道:“这媒体的胡扯能力越来越强,简直毫无下限。”某人一脸坏笑抢过她手里的手机,摩挲下巴一脸认真,“我看说的挺真实的,像我这么好的男人,打着灯笼也难找!”孟苇翻个大大的白眼,说好的高冷腹黑的男神呢?她以前怎么就没发现,这人这么自恋。某人凑过来撒娇,“老婆,这么好的老公,不鼓励一下嘛?”孟苇看向律言湿漉漉的眼睛,好像一只大金毛,看着老实,实则奸诈。瞧,尾巴都快翘上天了。她勾起某人的下巴,笑的轻狂,“好呀,那让本姑娘好好宠宠你,嗯哼~”某人勾唇,一个反扑将她压进柔软的沙发内,笑的恣意,“老婆大人的命令,岂敢不从。”Voyagers II
Keith Stoner had been in a state of suspended animation for eighteen years. It was eighteen years earlier that Stoner had been an American member of a joint U.S. - Soviet venture to capture an alien ship, but when the Soviets had to pull out, Stoner willfully persisted and it was then, during that time on the strange ship that Stoner fell into the strange state that was neither here, nor there.Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner is now head of Vanguard Industries, which has recovered the alien ship. As a result, her company now controls the vast new technology and the fortune it reaps in - as well as control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn't know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the labyrinths of Stoner's mind.世界军事百科之古代战争