人们认为转轮手枪是美国人塞缪尔.柯尔特于1835年发明的,这种转轮手枪为火帽击发式,使用口径10.16毫米的纸弹壳锥形弹头,与现代转轮手枪相差无几,为此,不少史书将柯尔特称为“转轮手枪之父”。转轮手枪是手工装填弹药,子弹打空后就得退壳或重新装填。有三种方法将转轮推出框架,最常用的是转轮摆出式,也就是将转轮甩向左侧。由于左轮手枪结构简单,操作灵活,很快受到各国官兵的喜爱,19世纪中期以后,这种枪风靡全球,许多军官都以拥有一支左轮手枪而自豪。有的国家还把左轮手枪作为装备陆军的近距离自卫武器。You, Me & The US Economy
This groundbreaking title is an insider's account of the 2008 financial crisis written specifically for Main Street.Stacy Carlson, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's speechwriter, takes you inside the Treasury Department and explains the events and issues in a wry, personal narrative. You want to understand what brought us to the brink of collapse? After reading You, Me & the U.S. Economy, you will.With clarity and humor, Stacy explains the multiple causes of our financial, housing and economic troubles and the multiple attempts to solve them. She isn't a financial wizard and writes so other non-wizards can understand, too. Wrapped within is her story of faith and persistence in a new, mid-life career and as a silent witness to tremendous turmoil, You, Me & the U.S. Economy tells Main Street what really happened and why. Finally.