赵薇、潘粤明、陈宝国、潘虹、 王刚主演电视剧《京华烟云》原著小说。本书是林语堂久负盛名的作品,文中体现了作者强烈的爱国情怀、对传统中国的文化和生活细节的真挚热爱,以及一种极富生命力的老庄哲学境界,是一部百科全书式的皇皇巨著。全书借姚、曾、牛三大家族的兴衰浮沉,刻画出从清末义和团运动到民国抗战初期长达四十年的社会面貌,从侧面反映出近代中国社会历史的风云变幻,其中安插了袁世凯篡国、张勋复辟、直奉大战、五四运动、“三一八”惨案、“语丝派”与“现代评论派”笔战、北伐战争、二战爆发等历史事件,人物繁多,场面宏阔,全景式展现了近现代中国社会发生的急剧而深刻的变化,被誉为现代版的《红楼梦》。废材倾狂:最强星蕴师
(已完结,有第二部,作品相关里有说,)她身为堂堂一个杀手阁阁主,居然穿越了!?什么还是废材?那自己身旁的某兽和手中的某器是什么!?某女拿着手中的“某器”冷冷道:“诚服还是死?”某兽可怜道:“不。。诚服可以吗?”某女一脸黑线:“好,你可以去死了。”某兽扑倒某女大喊道:“亲亲主人,不要啊!”某男拦截下某兽,某兽被甩到墙上抠都抠不下来。某男蔑视道:“敢亲我媳妇儿。找死?”某兽蹲在墙角可怜的画圈圈......粉丝群:欢迎加入,群号码:557979887Let's Get This Party Started
Let's Get This Party Started is a guide to more than 15 parties you can throw for your kids that are inexpensive, wildly inventive, and fun. Each party includes two crafts, one game, and one recipeall of which you can put together with your child. Author Soleil Moon Frye also offers countless tips and ideas that will inspire you. Among the thematic parties featured in the book are the fairy party, the pirate party, the movie-on-the-lawn party, the camp party, the '80s party, the rainbow party, the Halloween party, the luau, and many more, captured in gorgeous and colorful images by Frye's brother, photographer Meeno. Timely and fun, this book is a must-have for parents who love entertaining with their kids. Praise for Let's Get This Party Started: Quality children's party books are high in demand, so this may be a welcome resource for families with young children … Recommended."Library Journal