当三个男人期待美好生活的时候,却一个变成了廉价的厨娘,另一个变成了重情的弟弟,还有一个变成了免费的取款机。街头上,穆蓝左拥右抱,前面蹲着一个让她给脸色看的。嗯,这小日子过得多舒坦呀。于是,穆蓝理所当然的至上名言:珍爱生命,远离深海。正文第一次的擦肩而过,她没能及时拉住他,上车追了他三条街,痛失二百五十块,最终被他公司的门卫挡在外面,原因是“闲人勿进”……第二次的偶然相遇,她把握机会,闪到他眼前,害他手中的酒水洒在他女伴的胸口。她还没来得及开口,他已抓牢她的手,说“穆小姐,你毁了我女伴的衣服,这第一支舞也只得由你代替。”她沉吟半晌,无语问苍天……第三次的刻意相堵,他时间紧迫,她紧追其后,在他停顿的零点零一秒,气喘吁吁地说:“哎,你能陪我去一趟民政局办离婚么……”一纸婚书,两处签名,一生了断。《原名:蔚海深深比慕蓝》海洋球只能说一句,此文不会弃坑滴!!!!!!!新作《应景生颜华》http://m.wkkk.net/a/313238/,顾氏系列篇之一推荐好友的都市文〈女人,不要为难女人》http://m.wkkk.net/a/313505/The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.