本书是一部纪实文学,描写了中国现代史上的奇人、民国第一侠王亚樵的传奇人生,以翔实的史料和对历史现场的探访,生动形象地再现了王亚樵刀光剑影、宁折不弯的一生,作者深入挖掘王亚樵的内心世界,生动形象、可叹可信地再现了王亚樵的侠义风采。Old Times
Old Times was first presented by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, on 1 June 1971. It was revived at the Donmar Warehouse, London, in July 2004.'Old Times is a joyous, wonderful play that people will talk about as long as we have a theatre.' New York Times' What am I writing about? Not the weasel under the cocktail cabinet … I can sum up none of my plays. I can describe none of them, except to say: that is what happened. This is what they said. That is what they did.' Harold Pinter