于廖晚吟来说,祁鹤扬是惊喜也是惊吓,而廖晚吟对祁鹤扬而言是整个年少的欢喜,守着她长大,嫁他为人妻,之前他有个学生问他如果以后没有跟最爱的人在一起会怎么样?他当时第一反应就是不可能,后来他想了想,无所谓吧,大概是反正也不是那个人了,是谁都无所谓了,他不想对自己太残忍,所以他想自私的把那个人占为私有,抓一辈子,绝不放手……2.对时先生大概是一见钟情吧,也许是日久生情,在没遇到时先生之前,也想过就这样一个人也挺好的,后来大概是打脸了,一个会做饭,脾气又好,待人温和有礼,帅气又多金,谁不爱呢?“白苏我跟你说几遍了,生理期不能吃冰的!”“时苼……我错了,可是我就是想吃!”……“时太太,玩够了没有?”“时苼!!过分了啊,居然拔我插头!”“你已经坐在电脑前面一下午了,眼睛要不要了?”……“你点的?”“我不是让他不敲门,打电话给我的吗?”“你留的是我的电话号码。”“……”Station Island
The title poem from this collection is set on an island that has been a site of pilgrimage in Ireland for over a thousand years. A narrative sequence, it is an autobiographical quest concerned with 'the growth of a poet's mind'. The long poem is preceded by a section of shorter lyrics and leads into a third group of poems in which the poet's voice is at one with the voice of the legendary mad King Sweeney. 'Surpasses even what one might reasonably expect from this magnificently gifted poet.' John Carey, Sunday Times