
第26章 Foreign Cultures 谈论外国文化(11)

The origin of vodka is famously disputed between Russia and Poland。 Both countries can cite written references to the spirit as early as the 15th century, and both have the same etymological claim; “vodka” and “wódka” are the diminutive forms of “voda” and “woda” respectively, the latter two both meaning “water”, thus the former two “little water”。 It is thought that vodka was initially for medicinal use, for rubbing on the body rather than consumption (the Polish distinguished between “wódka”, originally designating a spirit for this purpose, and “gorzalka”, which was for drinking)。 By the mid 16th century production of vodka intended for drinking in both countries was reaching significant levels; the Russians had imposed a monopoly and were producing enough to export; and in Poland King Jan Olbrecht had passed a law allowing the people to distil spirits, which were being taxed by the end of the century。

All of you know ballet for sure。 It is a very famous dancing which great stars practice。 Not just for the dance itself, but you can look at it as a full-body training。 You have probably already seen it on television or in the movies。

It all started in 1661, this is when the first ever ballet school opened in France。 Surprisingly, as opposed to modern standards, ballet was only practiced and danced by men。 It was only until 20 years later, that women got allowed to practice ballet。

Surprisingly, modern ballet still uses the same techniques as they used then。 It is all about the perfect arm and leg positions as well as continuing to look graceful while doing so。 Most of the ballet combinations still begin with “devant”, “glissade”, “barre”, etc。 To do these positions, the dancers have to “turn out” their legs and feet, this is a rotation of the leg so the knee and foot run outwards。 This allows the dancers to further extend their leg, especially when raising it to the side or rear。

A great way for the dancers to practice is by trains using a “barre”, this is a wooden plint, positioned horizontally about 3 to 45 inches above the ground。 They can use it in a variation of ways。 They can put their leg onto the bar and stretch their legs by hooking their heel over it。


Rye 黑麦

Rye is the most common raw material in Poland, and also finds its way into some Russian vodka。 It tends to produce vodka with a nose reminiscent of rye bread, and has a pleasing sweet spiciness on the palate。

Wheat 小麦

Wheat is the most popular grain for vodka in general, and is the grain of choice in Russia。 Wheat vodkas are frequently associated with a clean flavor and an aniseed finish, sometimes with an oily mouth feel。

Potato 马铃薯

It is easy to imagine a spirit made from potatoes being an inferior product, whereas in truth potato vodkas tend to be more expensive than their grain counterparts。 The potatoes used for vodka production have a much higher level of starch than ordinary potatoes, yet the yield is still much lower than any of the other common raw materials, which drive the production costs up。 Potato vodkas tend to have a creamy flavor and texture, with a weighty mouth feel。

Corn 玉米

Corn has the largest yield of the grains and is generally only used in western vodkas。 It is associated with buttery。

Barley 大麦

Barley is the least common of the grains used in vodka, and is usually associated with Finland。 It tends to have a smooth, slightly sweet flavor。


Key words & Sentences


“Ballet” originated in Italy, flourished in France。


Ballet performs dramatic plot with music, dance and mime。


Ballet shoes produced by Russia’s famous company “Gerry Vuk” are welcomed by more than thirty countries, from Africa to Mexico。


In history, the development of ballet has been influenced by two aesthetic points。 One is “pure dancing” while the other is “dramatic dancing”。


The structure and form of ballet had developed to a high degree of standardization and stylization in the late 19th century, which affects and limits its further development。


Among the large number of works of ballet in the 20th century, people try and make new explorations and creations。


Wheat vodka tastes more soft and smooth。


The best-quality vodka is usually distilled several times and filtered through to remove impurities in it。


At the beginning of World War II, the production technology of vodka spread from Russia to the United States, which enabled the latter to become a large vodka producer。


Bereginka, Martini and Grey Goose are the most famous and luxury brands in the world of Vodka。


Russia is the main vodka-producing country, but countries like Germany, Finland, Poland, the United States and Japan are also able to brew high-quality vodka。


Vodka is the base wine without any artificial additives, flavoring, seasoning and is also the originator of the world’s major flavoring cocktails and wine。


Vodka is the most flexible, adaptable and flexible wine in the world。


Let’s Talk!


Betty: How do you think of tonight’s ballet show?


Sam: Great, very beautiful dance。


Betty: Ballet is also called the Swan dance。 Dancers are moving around like a swan, elegant and light。


Sam: Right, they wore beautiful clothes, too。 I saw them support their bodies just with a toe, it must be very hard。


Betty: Of course, but this is where its charm lies, creating a version of flying。


Sam: Why are the shoes pink?


Betty: Pink will not stimulate the audience’s eyes, and also help ease tension of the performers。


Sam: Do they have to go on a diet?

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